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As I walk into English, I frown, noticing that Kai and Heidi are sitting together.

That's the annoying thing about a trio, someone always gets left out. I use my lack of seating partner as an excuse to go sit at the back where Haze is. He is gazing out the window, his arms folded across his chest.

I slide into the chair beside him. "Hi."

He sighs through his nose. "You don't quit, do you?"

"Nope," I smile cheekily. "How was the rest of your night?"


I notice then that he has dark circles under his eyes, almost as if he is sleep deprived. His jaw also looks kind of puffy and a different shade to the rest of his face.

"You okay?"


"Looks like your jaw is swollen," I say quietly. "Did you get in a fight with someone?"

He leans onto his forearms, finally looking my way. "It doesn't concern you."

"I know, I was just wondering if you were okay," I bite back, my voice much sassier than it usually is.

He raises an eyebrow at me. "Thanks for the concern, but I'm fine."

"Do you know if you're coming to the party next weekend?"

"I will go if you shut up about it," he retorts flatly, rolling his eyes theatrically.

"Yay!" I exclaim, clapping my hands together.

Mrs Hatcher begins the lesson. I tune in to what she is saying, taking notes as she speaks. I can't help but notice that Haze is once again, staring out the window, not participating in the lesson. Clearly, it's not just History that he has no interest in.

"Hey," I whisper softly. "You should take notes."


"Haze," I say in a low voice. "Why bother to come to school if you're not going to do the work?"

"I don't have a choice," he sighs, giving me an honest answer. "It's a part of my release agreement."

"Release agreement?"

"I've been in Juvie for the past two years, I got out on early behaviour, so I didn't go into an adult facility. One of the rules is to finish high school and get a diploma."

My jaw drops as I stare at him in shock. I knew his story would be interesting.

"Ellie? Focus more on the class work and not the new student," Mrs Hatcher rudely states, causing a few people to snicker.

I find myself scowling, annoyed that she said that in front of everyone. My cheeks turn a dark shade of red.

"You're so into me," Haze murmured, flickering his eyes to me. "It's hot."

I roll my eyes. "Into you?"

"You can't stay away from me, can you?" he smirks.

"No," I shake my head. "I can't."

His face blanks as he stares at me, obviously shocked by my honest answer.

I turn away from him and decide to re-focus on the lesson. I continue to jot down notes, until the end of the lesson. As soon as the bell rings, I gather my book and pencil case, shoving it carelessly into my bag, which is something quite uncharacteristic of me.

As I walk out, Mrs Hatcher calls my name, but I hurry out the door, pretending I don't hear her.

I hurry to catch up to Haze, when my shoulder collides painfully with someone else.

Darker Than SinNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ