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Chapter 4

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"The problem with human attraction is not knowing if it will be returned." Becca Fitzpatrick, Hush, Hush


Chapter Four

"Forgive me, Lady Rose, Emmett," Stephen apologised immediately. "Please forget this conversation ever took place for my son's sanity ... and pride." He ran a hand through his silver hair as he frowned regretfully. "Just watch him. He'll be more focussed than ever."

"It's forgotten, Stephen," Emmett promised, looking just as confused as Rose did. But it was the polite thing to do. It was neither Emmett nor Rose's business.

They all climbed out of the carriage and Rose set her eyes on Pendleton Park for the first time in years.

What once was a magnificent, Jacobethan style house was now a weathered building in desperate need of some attention. It was of a similar size to Ascot but with the added beauty of having Derbyshire's famous hills and boulder formations surrounding it.

It was a shame that nobody had taken it. But she supposed having several families stay in Derbyshire was better than only one.

"Are you alright after that display, Rosie?" Emmett asked Rose quietly as they walked together towards Pendleton Park.

As they approached, Rose noticed that several of the windows were damaged and were in need of replacing. "Yes," she assured him.

"We shan't be long," he promised her. "Then you can spend the rest of the day with Charlotte." He kissed her forehead

"I don't mind being here," replied Rose. "I'd like to learn about this sort of thing." Her instructors at finishing school had never taught her how to run a business, only to smile in a man's presence and to never sound too intelligent.

"Alright," he agreed.

The smell of dust hit her just as soon as they crossed the threshold into Pendleton Park. The furniture was covered but dust and cobwebs had taken up residence on every surface. There were so many doors and the house seemed to echo every step they took. It was almost eerie. She couldn't wait until it was clean and filled with people.

Derek appeared from down the main hallway, looking as focussed as his father had described. "We'll need to expand the kitchen substantially and a lot of the glass and a lot of the wallpaper needs to be replaced in upstairs rooms. I'll work closely with the men we've got coming, complete some of the labour myself, but I'd wager to turn this house into a hotel we'd need to spend about five thousand dollars."

Rose didn't know the difference between dollars and pounds, but by Stephen's reaction, it was clear that five thousand was a substantial amount.

"Five thousand?" he repeated back, gasping.

"Yes," Derek answered, sounding emotionless. "We will reap the rewards within a few months of opening. Mark my words. I know how to run a hotel. Don't you trust me, Pa?"

"Of course I do," Stephen murmured.

"Won't English guests differ?" Rose asked. "Running a hotel in England might be more challenging. When we travel we often stay with acquaintances, never communal places."

"Rose is right," Emmett said regretfully. "Are you sure you can make this profitable? If you've changed your mind we can undo the purchase."

"When I am finished this is where everyone will want to stay," Derek said determinedly. "I am not only accounting for English guests. I will use my connections back home to send guests over to England as well."

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