Talia steals Batman

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Henriette was confused to who had kidnapped Bruce as she had to make a illusion of him with her magic that is a solid to fool people and the criminals.

Damian told her it has to be his mom making them to search for her and find Batman to bring him home. Alfred helps at the computer with Henriette's friends helping as well.

Henriette and Damian saw Batwoman and explained everything since she's dating Sirius making her to really understand and help look for him. Henriette had found him and they got to him to bring him back.

Henriette needs to find a way to snap him out of it as Talia is controlling him and she wants her Bruce back no matter what it takes.

She went to Talia and Batman as they are near each other with Dick and Damian being there as well making this to be hard, but she wants her Bruce back.

"Talia!" Everyone turns and looks at her as she walks down the stairs as she looks at Talia in the eyes making her to look at her.

"If I can snap Batman out of it, you leave him alone and never come back for him. If I can't snap Batman out of it, he's yours. Deal?" Henriette is doing a risky move here, but she wants her Bruce, her Batman back.

"Deal. Belove, let's see if she can snap you out of it." Talia told Batman as he was listening to her and Henriette knows his magic can't stop drugs.

She walks up to him and he attacks, but she dodge his punches and kicks before she went under his arms and has her arms wrapped around his neck thanks to a little jump as her mouth is near his ear making it easier to whisper it.

"Your going to be a father, so please come back to Luna, to Damian......To me, my Bruce Wayne. My Batman. My Dark Knight." Henriette pulls from his ear and kisses him on the lips very much shocking everyone as even Batwoman had showed up shocked as well from what she is doing and what she said to him just now before kissing him on the lips.

Bruce, Batman had just heard everything deep in his mind just before he felt something on his lips and when he looked up, Henriette was kissing him making him to be shocked as the darkness is vanishing from his mind.

"Henriette, you will always be my light in the darkness!" Bruce shouted out as he jumps with bright white light below him as the darkness is vanishing faster before he closed his eyes and wraped his arms around Henriette, his light and his wife.

Talia couldn't believe it as Henriette freed Batman from the drug and now he is kissing back with his arms around her. Damian had his eyes covered by Dick as 'kids' aren't suppose to be seeing adult things.

Both Henriette and Bruce were glowing bright white making everyone to look away as they couldn't see a thing cause of the light as both Bruce and Henriette got married in the eye of Magic.

With Dumbledore, he saw all of his instruments for Henriette glow white before being destroyed and Fawks cried of relief and happiness as he left Dumbledore and he felt the bond to him break and Fawks left through the window to his new master, Bruce Wayne.

Bruce and Henriette had stopped glowing and everyone could see again as Henriette hides her face in his chest making him to have a amused look on his face.

"I heard of Sleeeping Beauty, but never heard of Sleeping Handsome!" Henriette blushes as she hugs Bruce making hin to chuckle a bit as Henriette is getting too cute right now.

"A deal is a deal. Belove has snapped out of it. I shall keep to the deal and leave him alone and never come back for him." Bruce was shocked that Henriette had made that deal to Talia.

She jumps out the window and left in a plan, but there was a bomber onboard and a bomb went off killing both of them making everyone to be happy as she is now gone.

"How many and how far along are you?" Henriette blushes as she let's him feel her stomach making him to feel eight kicks and eight punches from four different babies with the stomach being a bit bigger than she was the first time she arrived at his door steps.

"How far along?"

"Four months." Bruce could of killed his babies and she can still dodge when this far along?! He is not going to be doing that again.

"Mother!/Mom!" Both Damian and Dick shouted as they thought she was faking it and Batwoman is so going to be telling Sirius about this.

"The kids are fine! Geez and I thought Batman was over-protective of me when I'm pregnant! I was mistaken on THAT ONE!

I'm going to head home before I GET letchered by my own sons!" Henriette let go of Bruce's hand and ran with both Dick and Damian right behind her with six cms between them.

"I'll go tell Sirius and you go save her, Dark Knight." Bruce smirks as he rans after them making her to shake her head at them four as she wonders what it would be like to have kids of her own.

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