Chapter 5. Secrets

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Me and Luke met up every week at least twice. My father was never home, so we met at my place.

We had been meeting in secret for about a month now, and we were getting good at keeping our little secret.

We missed each other at school, but always met up after.

We told each other stories about our lives. We laughed together, cried together, and did everything else together.

One day, at school, JJ came up to me with a frustrated look on her face.

"Where the hell have you been for the last month? You missed all of the new movies that we were gonna see together! What is going on with you?"

I started to apologize, but then she led me outside to the small forest outside our school.

"Where have you been?" She asked, anger in her eyes.

"I've been-" I started

All of a sudden there was a rustled coming from behind a tree. JJ sniffed the air and growled.

"Black Thorn" she started to snarl.

I immediately recognized the scent.

"Stand down." I said


"I said, stand down!"

She looked at me with a confused look on her face.

"You can come out now." I said as I looked toward the tree.

And there, in all his perfection, was Luke.

I held a finger to my mouth at JJ and walked over to Luke.

"What are you doing here? I have school!" I whisper shouted at him.

"I had to see you." He said, sadness in his eyes.

"I have fourth period in 3 minutes!"

"Oh, ok. Can I at least have a kiss for the road?" He asked, hope in his eyes.

"Oh, all right." I said leaning into him. I could almost feel his love for me when we kiss.

I pulled away, grabbed JJ's arm and left.

"Ok, you have some explaining to do." JJ said in a deathly serious tone.

"I'll tell you after school." I replied


Nothing to declare.


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