Chapter 6 : Doomed

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Right after Victor and I's little fighting situation, Emmaline, Victor and I ended up in the food court area. The three of us took a small four-person table and began to eat lunch.

Oddly, I felt like I was being watched. When I discreetly glanced around the area, I couldn't find who or what was making me feel twitchy. Perhaps it was just me being paranoid from all the events that had happened these few days, but it was safer to be alert so I kept my guard up. I quickly finished my sandwich and sipped on my cup of juice quietly as I stared at my second sandwich, deciding if I should eat it.

"So," Victor began after he swallowed a huge mouthful of food, "tell me a little bit about yourself."

This question caught Emmaline's attention as she stared at me with eyes filled with curiosity.

"Do you know what cyber security or information security is?" I asked.

Both of them shrugged. "Sure," Victor replied back.

"I studied something like that for six years."

Emmaline's face brightened. "Oh! That's interesting. So? Were you working in the private sector before someone, you know, brought you to our team?"

Victor studied me for a second. "The answer is no, isn't it." He spoke as Emmaline frowned slightly in confusion.

"You are correct," I answered stiffly.

Emmaline's eyes widened and her mouth opened into a small 'o' shape. "How'd you know, Vic?"

Victor stared at me for a moment before he concentrated his focus back on eating. "The look in her eyes."

I bit the inside of my cheek as his comment struck me. He may seem to be the easygoing type, but his intuition was quick and very accurate.

"Navy?" Victor guessed and from his question, I could already tell he knew I signed up for the military.

"No." My grip tightened just a fraction on my cup. "Army. You?"

There was a slight pause in Victor's movements before he continued as if everything was normal. "Air force."

Silence filled our table. Emmaline must have started to feel awkward and uncomfortable because she began to fidget slightly.

"Did you know Alexander put together this team? Like, he was the one that recruited us. The captain of this ship." Emmaline smiled. "Alexander knew Victor for a long time but him and I, we kind of met by accident. To this day I don't understand why he included me into the team, but I'm grateful. You see, Vita, I'm not like you or Victor. I'm not good at combat and basically never held a weapon."

"Don't belittle yourself." Victor scoffed then looked over at me. "She basically has a photographic memory. She's our eyes during missions. Besides her memory,  she's research smart and great at doing calculations."

A tinge of pink dusted Emmaline's cheeks.

"Victor," I put my elbow on the table and leaned my chin on my raised fist, "how long did you know Alexander?"

Suddenly, I saw from the corner of my eye that the empty chair on my right began to move backwards.

"Eight years." I heard Alexander answer as he sat down next to me casually.

"Met him during the middle of high school. We started training together at this organization." Victor added.

My frustration grew. It felt so unfair that while I knew nothing about anything our parents did until a week ago, he had known for eight years and was being trained to enter it.

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