chapter seven | TRY AGAIN

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cover by soundthealarm

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cover by soundthealarm

Over the next few weeks, Rylee realised that Skip was right. Their days were long and gruelling, with strict diets, vigorous workout sessions and frequent arguments.

On a particular hazy Saturday afternoon, Rylee was in the gym working on a ring-up – a movement requiring intense upper body strength and coordination. He had tried it at least five times but, each time he was at the point of straightening his elbows, his wrists would buckle and he would meet the mat beneath him.

"This is bollocks," Rylee cursed, peeling off his gloves and throwing them to the side.

Skip sat on the bench a few lengths away from him, an open book balanced between his hands, and shifted his jaw slowly to one side. "Take a break. Give yourself some time to process."

"Skip, I've been at it for like twenty minutes. I'd rather call it a night."

A loud clap echoed through the air, and the book Skip had been reading was now shut and placed on the floor. "I said, 'take a break', not quit."

Rylee looked up through droplets of sweat and caught sight of the signature vein streaking down the trainer's brow and knew he had to choose his words carefully.

"I'll try again tomorrow."

Skip stood up and walked over to Rylee with quick robotic steps. He knelt down and placed a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Take a break."

Rylee blinked away the exhaustion and gazed up at the two rings suspended from the ceiling. He inhaled a lungful of cold air and pushed himself to his feet. Shaking his hands and locking his eyes on the equipment, Rylee imagined himself successfully completing the move. Closing his eyes, he imagined the deep burn surging through his triceps and the trembling pain cycling through his hands as they gripped the smooth plastic. He could taste his sweat and hear the drumming of his heart.

Glancing over at Skip, Rylee lifted an eyebrow and moistened his lips. If he couldn't try it tomorrow, then he definitely wasn't going to 'take a break'.

Skip smirked and took a step back.

Rylee opened his eyes and jumped up, his hands reaching for the rings. Once he had a firm grip, he hoisted his chest forward and swung his legs so that he created the perfect momentum to propel himself upwards. Within less than ten seconds, he was steadying himself in the position he was certain he couldn't accomplish.

Skip smiled and clapped his hands. "Not bad."

Rylee descended to the ground, concealing the excitement behind a stiff grin. "I guess."

"That was good form. Now, listen to this part carefully, because it's changed my thoughts as an athlete," Skip said in his slow, poetic tone. "You can have all the motivation in the world, but what happens when something disappoints you?"

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