2.9 - The Baby Shower.

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"I am definitely buying myself a car tomorrow" I mumbled under my breath as one more taxi wroomed passed me. I was standing in the middle of the road from past one hour, waiting for a damn taxi, which wouldn't stop even if it's empty. I wrapped my arms around myself as the cool wind made me shiver. If I had any clue it was going to be this cold I would've worn a sweater or atleast something that covered my arms and the other half of my legs.

Since I was going to the baby shower - even though Caleb said no - I wore a simple purple dress with black flowers on it. I know it's a little childish but Ryker said I will look pretty in this and how can I deny my adorable little baby. I chuckled at the face he pulled when I said it was looking childish on me. Suddenly a car came in full speed and stopped right in front of me.

"Caleb? You almost gave me a heart attack" I gasped with a hand on my chest. "Get in" was the only thing he said. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the passenger seat without arguing because if I stay outside any longer I'll definitely end up getting a terrible cold. I got on the passenger seat and buckled myself up. The heat from the heater making me sigh blissfully. Caleb on the other hand started driving without uttering a single word.

"I thought you were not going to come" I said whilst looking outside the window. "I know you Sapphire, even if I say no you will still go" He said. I turned to look at him with narrow eyes. "Do you mean I don't listen to you?" I asked. "Ofcourse you do" He answered looking at me, then he turned back towards the road mumbling 'sometimes' under his breath. I stared at him with mouth open wide and hit his arm. "You're so mean" I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest, angrily. Beside me Caleb started chuckling "What I meant was, I know you are stubborn and what kind of a driver would I be if I left my boss on the streets, in this chilly weather, to fetch a cab" He joked. I chuckled and shook my head at him.

"Remind me to give you a raise" I played along with an amused look on my face. The rest of the ride was pretty much silent but it was less awkward. I still need to ask Caleb why he suddenly said no but something within told me I am not going to like the answer to it. So, I listened to my inner self and didn't ask the question, atleast not for now.

Caleb stopped in front of an apartment building. I got out of the car after Caleb parked the car in the lot reserved for guests, outside the building. I leaned my head behind and looked at the huge building in front of me. It literally screamed 'lavish'. The walls were painted white and every window had a fancy balcony with black railing. Even though the paint was white it looked well mainted. When Caleb came by my side I looked away, towards him and started to follow him inside. The inside was much more polish. Yellow LED lights lighten the lobby with brown, shining tiles beneath us. I continued following Caleb towards the golden elevator that was so clean and shiny that it worked as a mirror. I could see myself with Caleb by my side who was looking at the numbers in red lights, above the elevator, to check where the elevator was. I noticed the expression of pure awe on my face, which kind of looked ridiculous. I quickly closed my parted lips and masked a neutral look on my face.

The ding sound echoed through the lobby followed by the parting of the golden doors. We both stepped inside the huge elevator that can fit almost 40 people. I saw Caleb pressing the button of the penthouse. Before the door could close I saw the two elevators opposite us, the only difference was that it was silver in colour instead of golden. "We are in the private elevator?" I asked to which I already know the answer to. "Yes" Caleb answered, who was busy looking in his phone. I just stared at him with a raised brow until he sighed and looked at me "The building is owned by Drake Colins, the soon-to-be father" he elaborated. My mouth formed a 'o' shape after the new piece was information. I leaned on the wall of the elevator after few moments. I was beginning to hate tall buildings. So much time this elevator takes to reach the top floor.

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