Chapter 17 : Uh-Oh

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The past few days have consisted of me overthinking every little thing. What do I mean ?

Well,almost everyday Xavi sneaks out of school and heads to god knows where by himself.

Suspicious ? Extremely.

When I ask the other boys where he is they all get fidgety and refuse to answer me.

So today, I've decided that I'll follow him. I mean,it's a total invasion of his privacy but there really isn't much privacy in a relationship,right ?

I just arrived at school after trying to come up with how I'm gonna stalk my boyfriend.

There are people everywhere murmuring and whispering about some new girl.

"She's cute.",Kayla whispers to her friends.

"Yes,she really is. She's been hanging around those new guys since she got here this morning.",her friend responds.


What ?

Obviously by "new guys" they're referring to my friends. So who could that girl be ?

I hurry and head inside to see what the fuss was about and as soon as I walk in I instantly regret it.

It was her.

It was her.

It was Lina.

What was she doing here ?

Lina was smiling at Xavi and having the time of her life while they were all talking.

I don't know why these thoughts started coming to my mind but I couldn't help but thinking about how they all looked so happy together. They looked like a group of best friends. They were all so perfect for each other. A set of beautiful people. I didn't belong there.

Instead of going up to them and saying hello,I just turned the corner and headed straight to class.

Walking in, I said good morning to my teacher and sat down before resting my head on my desk.

Shortly after,Xavi walks in looking right at me. He gives me this super confused look. To which I return an innocent one.

"Alright everyone,take your seats.",Mrs.Denver says.

Xavi walks down the aisle and takes a seat right next to me.

"As you all know, our class is far ahead in our work. I've just gotten a call from my daughter's teacher,saying I should come down to her school. So I'll be leaving you guys and trusting that you will be on your best behavior.",she says.

The whole class immediately gets excited about not having to learn.

Shortly after her announcement,my teacher leaves the room.

"Babe.",I hear someone's voice mutter beside me.

"Babe.",the person repeats.

I already know who it is. I just feel really lazy. I'm not mad at him or anything. I'm just too lazy to have a conversation.

"Baby.",he hisses.

I laughed a bit before turning around. "What do you want ?",I smile at him.

"You.",he says simply.

"Let's get out of here.",he says to me. "It's not like we have a teacher. Let's go to the library." I immediately get excited and jump out my seat.

He chuckles before following me.

When we get to the library we head over to my spot in the corner,after saying hello to Mrs.J of course.

My Bad Boy Gang:The Bad Boys Taught MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang