Chapter 25

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The escape plan was simple and with the new men from Alpha Bryson's pack, Leo was more confident than ever. They were all in agreement that they would handle the worst of the humans, while he headed straight for Angel. The most important thing was getting him out alive and unharmed. Even Alpha Bryson agreed that they could return to finish off the humans, if the only way to save and rescue Angel properly was to leave them alive.

Leo wasn't leaving Romania until they were dead.

He had a total of eight strong shifters with him, though he had drawn the line at Alpha Bryson accompanying them for any reason. He wanted to be in on the fight that would become legendary to all shifters, as the fight that saved the last Dubrinsky. But it was too risky. If the humans got their hands on an Alpha, disaster or war would soon follow. He did, however, allow the Beta to join in the fight, since he knew that the men would need someone they trusted to guide them.

Leo couldn't be that person. When he disappeared into safety with Angel, the Beta would be the one to direct his pack members back to their own safe haven and ensure that no one got left behind. Leo didn't have time for that.

Angel, my love. We are outside the compound. You must be ready to leave. He sent the thought of his mate and waited as the message permeated his sleep fogged mind. He had left him sleeping until the last minute, so that he would be as fresh as possible for the fight.

I am ready, little lion. Angel replied, with what Leo thought was a smile. He felt a ghostly touch on his cheek and tried not to let on to the others that he felt it. If we do not survive the night, then I wish you to know that I love you. Not for any mate bond...not even because you are my rescuer. I have fallen in love with you Leo and that alone will ascend my soul to heaven if I die.

I love you too, Angel. He said, trying to keep the swell of emotion out of his mental voice. If we are to leave this place and die, then I shall see you in heaven and we shall spend eternity together, watching over our loved ones.

Yes. But even an eternity with you is not long enough. Angel sighed mentally and broke off contact.

Leo was stunned. He had never done that before and he didn't know why his mate had chosen now of all times to do so. He didn't know if it was involuntary, because he was being hurt or if it was precautionary because they would see each other soon. He even wondered if it was so he wouldn't know that his mate was scared or crying; just as he was.

Leo pulled himself together and glanced across at the Beta beside him. The compound was quieter now, in the mid afternoon hours. There were just one or two lingering bodies along by the parked cars.

The Beta nodded to two of his men, who broke off from the group and transformed, running quietly to their task. They would deal with the stragglers and ensure that no one could enter or exit without facing the mighty jaws of an angry shifter.

Leo and the Beta moved forward at the same time, the only two advancing towards the compound door as the others waited for the signal. He had the keys in his pocket and a second set he had made during the morning, with the Beta. He would see that all the humans were dealt with. If they found any more prisoners, they would also be freed.

Move. The Beta called to his men, opening up the mental link of their pack to Leo, just for this one occasion. He and Leo stood on opposite sides of the closed entrance, waiting patiently for the first two shifters to move in, in their wolf forms.

They charged at the door that Leo had already evaluated. It was strong, but not enough to hold out a wolf. It buckled under the pressure of the first wolf's body and their man skidded to a halt just inside the door, to stop himself from tumbling over at the impact. The second wolf raced in, bypassing the first and heading straight into the first room. There was the obvious sound of voices and shouts from the humans, at the sound of the intrusion. A moment later a loud siren went off all around the compound.

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