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Farren sighed at the clock and rolled back over onto his back. He continued the oh so fun act of staring up at the ceiling.

He was bored.

It was almost three in the morning on a Wednesday night and here he was, lying in bed wide awake with no one to talk to and nothing to do. He decided that at this point it looked like it would be another all nighter, so he might as well make the most of it.

He slipped out of bed quietly, making sure not to wake Kaden who was fast asleep. He paused for a moment, taking the other boy in. He had to admit, Kaden looked cute asleep, if that didn't sound creepy. His thick, full lashes were turned downwards and he was snoring very softly, really more of a deep breathing.

He just looked so young and innocent, without his ever present smirk and bad boy attitude.

After realising he had done enough creeping for one night, Farren decided to make his way downstairs, being careful to avoid the sixth step from the top that always creeped.

He closed the door of the den and turned on the telivision. What to watch? All his prized DVDs were up in his room, so Netflix it was.

He flicked through the critically acclaimed section, trying to find a movie he hadn't already seen. This was actually a lot more difficult than it seemed for him.

He exited the critically acclaimed section and instead scrolled through the home page, looking at the different categories, and occasionally adding a new movie to his list.

Eventually, he found himself on the LGBT section. He had never seen any of these before, and didn't intend on starting now.

He snorted, holding up the remote to go down to the next category when he paused, a particular movie catching his eye.

'Boys,' it was called, and upon reading the description Farren found himself hesitant. Would it be weird for him, a straight young man to be watching this movie?

Then again, he watched movies in every other category and to broaden his horizons in terms of film he really should give it a go.

Fuck it, he thought to himself, it's not like anyone needs to know. He pressed play and started the movie.

And an hour and a half later, he certainly did not regret that decision. What an emotional roller coaster it was. He was almost embarrassed that he actually enjoyed it, but who cares. It was a good movie, and that was a compliment that Farren did not give lightly.

He checked the time on the wall, squinting to see with only the light from the television illuminating the room.


He found that while he still wasn't tired, he wasn't as wide awake as he was earlier and with some effort he probably could sleep now.

Turning off the TV he blindly felt his way out of the room with his arms stretched out in front of him and his eyes squinted in an attempt to make out the door handle.

After successfully making his way upstairs he headed straight into his room, a glass of water in his hand.

Once he reached his bed, he climbed into the inviting covers and closed his eyes, trying to focus on anything other than his whirring thoughts and the blond haired blue eyed boy who lay at the other end of the bed, close enough that their bodies were brushed against each other.


A tap on the shoulder woke Farren out of his deep trance. He looked over to see Jesse looking at him with concern.

Playing The Straight Game [boyxboy]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora