Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

"I insist on accompanying you to town," Theodore repeated politely with a tip of his head, "It isn't safe for two women to travel alone."

Allie wanted to tell the man to take a hike and ensure him that it would not be the first time they had traveled with the protection of a man and would be just fine but she didn't. Allie simply glanced at Amelia who seemed enamored with the attractive man's politeness and sighed, "I don't truly have a choice but to accept your company. I am only an employee here."

"You're not my employee," Theodore frowned his mustache curving with his lips. "I won't bite, Allie, I can assure you. But I will accompany you to town to ensure no harm comes to you," he winked and Allie felt her spine stiffen, "Good servants are hard to come by."

Allie realized it was no use. She had to go to town and apparently Theodore was not going to let her go alone. She couldn't explain the distrust she had for Theodore. He certainly hadn't done anything to earn it.

She supposed it was simply born of her dislike for his mother and father, who had a man locked in their attic. A man that she found herself growing very fond of. A flashback of the night before played through her mind. His voice soothing her, relaxing her, lulling her to sleep. Her cheeks reddened when she remembered waking up in the night and realizing she was curled against him with her head on his chest.

Given Allie's history with men it was incredibly surprising that her first instinct hadn't been to pull away, instead it had been to snuggle closer still and listen to the sound of his heart beating beneath her ear. He had such a good heart. Most people would have been angry, bitter or depressed with the life he'd been dealt but he wasn't. He smiled, he laughed, he had a goodness about him that Allie had never seen in another human.

She hadn't meant to fall back to sleep all curled up to his thin, twisted body but he'd been so warm and his heartbeat so soothing that that is exactly what she had done.... And nearly been caught! Her blood boiled within her veins as she remembered the way Mrs. Treadwell had treated the man-with-no-name. Allie had cried when she'd returned to her room and rinsed his blood from her fingers.

She'd been forced to tell Amelia that she'd spent the night in the attic. Not only had Amelia noticed that Allie had not been in their room but she had also commented that Allie seemed much more rested than she had in a long time. Allie wondered what it was about the man-with-no-name that had made her feel so at peace but had no time to dwell on that now. She had left out the part about sleeping curled up with the man when she had spoken to Amelia. Allie wanted nothing more than to get him out of this house and away from these people but it would take time before he felt strong and brave enough to leave.

She was aware of Theodore clearing his throat as they stood in the sitting room and she nodded slightly, "Very well then. I will go have a cart readied for us..."

"I can do that," Theodore countered with a triumphant smile. "You and Amelia go ready yourselves and meet me outside." He gave her one more predatory look before walking away.

Allie shook her head after he had gone, "Ready ourselves? I thought we were ready..."

"You cannot go looking like that!" Amelia countered with horror.

Allie looked down at her stained apron and plain brown skirt and white blouse, "Why can't I?"

"Your hair is a mess, your face is pale and those clothes do nothing for you. You have to look your best, Allie. This Theodore is quite handsome and he seems taken with you."

"I cannot see why," Allie replied dryly. "Not with how horrid you apparently believe me to look."

Amelia shook her head, "You don't look horrid. But you should go try to make yourself look better. Your pink blouse puts more color in your cheeks."

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