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By the end of my tantrum, Daniel had fourty icicles through his stomach and leg. Nobody else I hurt. My newly nonstored away powers soar threw my flesh reaching every bone in my. At first death seemed to beat me down, until a new life grabbed me by the hand and ran.

I first tried out reading people's minds. Daniel's I hated. Not one thought wasn't about me, which made my stomach quiesy. Marry let me read her mind easily with questions I had to answer out loud. One question was 'What do demons hate,' she thought; I answered out loud, "ANGELS!" Daniel blushed while everyone fell on their backs laughing historically. Even though everyone was around me, I felt alone. Not alone, like in a room by myself. Alone, like in a group of people that I don't know.

Kill. The voice was back.

I pressed my index fingers to my temples and yelled again. Soaring pain went through my foot to my stomach. Death. It grabbed me again, pulled me down under, yet let go at the last second to do over again some other time.

When reality locked clearly to my vision, Robert was clutching my wrist to hold me down.

"You were throwing up blood?!" He said pointing to a tiny red puddle.

"That couldn't be me!" I yelled backing away. When I looked at Daniel his hand dropped from my head to his lap. A searing ring drawn from a force lapped around my brain. It stopped. Slowly pointing at Daniel words mumbled in my mouth, "You. Get away from me!"

Josh walked up to Daniel. Ready to pounce, Josh stopped so I could intervene. I brought my hand to his forehead. Words flowed from my head to his. Daniel dropped to one knee screaming as words streamed out of my mouth, now yelling in his head. His pain filled me with happiness.

"What are you doing?!" Marry asked enthusiastically.

I broke my constration, "Givin' Daniel a taste of his own medicine!"

I took Daniel by the eat and dragged him into the darker part of the forest quickly. His confused face turned into a worried expression as he caught on.

"I looked at your memories as I smooshed your brain."

"So you know now."

"I'm gonna to bring ya' back an' you gonna tell 'em what you are, or I'll show 'em all!"

Before Daniel could answer my question, I kicked his face and brought him to the tent. Marry didn't bother bandaging his now bleeding eye. It took two more blows in the face before he agreed to tell the rest of the demons.

"I... I... I'm not an angel," Daniel confessed.

"I know that," Josh added laughing.

"He's not kiddin'," I yelled pinching Josh in the stomach.

"I'm a mummy," Daniel replied as everyone. Scooted away from him with wide eyes and open mouths. "I was walking home from school when a mummy attacked me. First she ripped off my wings and dragged me to the 'mummy' hideout. There, they brought me back to life as one of them.
"Now I am the monster king. I control all of them, because I defeated the other leader in a fight."

Marry was covering her mouth and crying at this point.

"Proceed!" I yelled holding back my own tears. Daniel glared with worried, but strong eyes.

"I told all the monsters they could kill any demon and angel except for Diana and her mother. And also they would have to bring y'all back as one of us of course."

It dawned on me... Classification! He is alive!

"Daniel!" He jerked is head my way, "Is Classification alive?!"

Daniel nodded his head with curious eyes.

"He owes me one-hundred dollars for a bet with me, him, and Garry," I answered swiftly.

A tear in my heart ripped and it also dawned on me that since Daniel is the leader of  the monsters. I would have to kill him.

Marry was clutching her crystal with her right fist. Her knuckles were turning red. My crystal was rapped tightly around my calf from a few hours ago hunting. Adrenaline flowed threw my veins as a brave, but stupid idea flowed threw my head. My crystal can kill both demon and angel. Daniel wanted to make me his  queen of the monsters. My powers if used by monsters could destroy the entire galaxy.

Without another thought, I grabbed my crystal, logged it into my throat, and savered the last few seconds. Daniel yelled angrily. Marry gasped. Josh fainted. Robert pulled out my crystal. It hurt, really bad. My body ached everywhere, but I wasn't dead. Death: should be quick. It was ranging inside my body making me regret doing what was right for the galaxy. I hate being a hero.

Stopping monsters would make me the real hero. Killing Daniel was going to be harder then hurting myself. He had all of the monsters blood in him making him almost as  powerful as me.

Still fuzzy visions lit my closed eyelids. Darkness did crawl up on my eyes slowly, but surely. Death.

I went back to the place it all started where Marry asked if she wanted me for her to push my hand to my throat. I nodded slowly. She has the power to move things with her mind. She shoved my hand to my throat. The pain came back over me as I touched my neck purposefully. Looking at my blood made me gag.

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