What Are We?

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Yesterday I was completely shocked. Alex said that Jamie and Törin were a thing concluding that popular jock man was cheating on his GIRLfriend with a BOY. Alex stated he and Törin basically were friends earlier in the year. When he and I almost kissed Alex guessed Törin might have thought it was mockery or something. I left the hospital dazzled and today I was still that way. I had been so overwhelmed when I came back to school I didn't notice everyone looking at the eyepatch Alex gave me. My grades started to lower because everything I did was sloppy and messy.
Today at school there were rumors that diamond had broken up with Törin. I saw him and Jamie talking worriedly in P.E and I couldn't help but stare wide-eyed knowing that these two were together. He bullied me for being gay, haha! Guess that he was just trying to convince himself it was wrong. I stopped my train of thought. That's what I tried to do. I shook it off and didn't realize Jamie and Törin making their way over to me.

"It's not Halloween yet, gay boy." (It was tomorrow), Törin remarked. Jamie looked away, squeamish.

"Like you can talk" I laughed. Both of their eyes goggled at me, for a moment they were speechless.

"Listen, BITCH, I don't care what you were about to say, and if you start anything you're going to end up like Alex." He ripped off my eyepatch and predictably turned white. Jamie hilariously turned around and vomited. I snatched it back and finally, Mrs. Butte came over and told them to go to the office.

School was over and I sprinted to the all too familiar hospital, almost ramming into the front door. The Halloween decorations were on point today. Alex was already in the main lobby waiting near Nurse Stacy. He was jubilant seeing me walk in the door.

"Well, it was awesome to talk to you Gavin, take care of Alex. One more thing, I'm ADOPTING HIM." She winked. Alex's face went blank.
"No need to thank me, hun, me and my husband have tried to have a kid, and couldn't so... what do you say? Will you let me?" She asked.

"Yes," he cried pulling her down to his wheelchair for an embrace.

"Gavin, Comeback in about a month to get your eye put in! Also, Alex, you can't officially come to our house until December 15th, because of court stuff and crap. Your foster parents will keep you until then, SO see you soon!" Stacy waved us off while I wheeled a very elated boy outside.

"HELL YEAH," he screamed. We both busted out with joyous laughter. After we had recuperated he said

"Make sure not to crash cyclops," winking, I smirked.

"Don't tempt me. So where do you reside oh great Alex." I bowed.

"Oh, I'm great now." He lifted his eyebrows mischievously.

"Who said you weren't" I teased.

"It's on maple-berry road, the gnarliest house on the block," Alex sighed.

"Okay well I have a question" I conveyed nervously.

"Shoot me, cowboy"

"Are we, and this is going to sound really cliche, but are we a thing?" I managed to say. He grabbed my neck and pulled me near his short, nearly bald hair and sea blue eyes, he whispered,

"Do you want us to be?" I blushed but no words came out.
"Okay, then short answer." He pulled me to his familiar warm lips and kissed me, I didn't want him to let go. He gently grabbed my hand and I let out a little sound into his mouth. He smiled but didn't say a word. We stayed like that in the middle of the sidewalk, making out for what felt like forever. I put a hand on his face and could feel the never-tiring warmth of his skin underneath my stone-cold fingertips. At that moment in time, I did not want to be anywhere else.

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