Chapter 10

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We meet them halfway; they stop in front of us. Their eyes as silver as ever, the first to speak is male, he has long black hair that is tired back in a bun. He has a small amount of facial hair; he is muscular and looks to be in his early twenties. When he speaks his jawline stands out. "Leader, we have been looking for you," He says with a bow. The difference between them and the other dreads I had come face to face with was that he does not sound like a robot, only walks like one. I step forward and they almost look frightened, like I am going to hurt them. Then I recognise one of them, a young male. The dread that had dropped the chainsaw that I used to kill the leader of the dreads. At the time, I did not know he was the leader but I would always remember this person's face, the way his eyes turned from silver and back to green. The frightened look on his face when he noticed the death around him.

"Show me your human self," I command. They don't do anything, I feel my hand grip onto my gun. I get the feeling again, the feeling of fear. The fear isn't of them but myself. "Now! I don't want to kill you," I yell at them. The silver starts melting away from their eyes. The look on their face begins to show a form of realisation, when they see me they all share smiles with me. "Why are you here?" I ask. Their smiles slowly fall before one of them speaks.

"We need a leader; the dreads haven't had a leader for..." The male with the long black begins and I cut him off.

"For six months? I know. I didn't know I was your leader until recently" I explain to them. I look at the person that I recognise from the day I became their leader. "You were there"

"Yes, I know. I saw you before I ran off, I thought our leader would kill you but apparently not. Apparently you were the better match," the boy says. His face remains emotionless but I have a feeling that he is putting the emotionless look on. "My name is Ignavus but people just call me Vus, my parents were strange they liked to come up with weird names. My sister's name is Magna; You can call her mag or Maggie." He said pointing to the girl next to him. I struggle not to laugh at their names because I am almost fluent in Latin and both of their names are Latin. "She can't talk, she was born that way," He explains. Magna waves at me with a smile that seems lopsided. If she knew what her name is in Latin then she wouldn't be very happy with her parents for naming her that. "She was born without a tongue, it's very rare" Ignavus keeps on talking. Magna must have noticed the annoyed look on my face because she hits her brother in the arm.

"I'm Isaac and I am the one that doesn't talk as much as Vus so you might like me" The guy with the long black hair says as he smirks at Ignavus. Ignavus crosses his arms over his chest and frowns. The other two people, twins are laughing, they are both girls with blonde hair.

"And you two are?" I ask them. They stand up straight and stop laughing. They turn red as if laughing was the most embarrassing thing they could have possibly done.

"I'm Emma and this is Lisa" Emma says as she shoves her sister on the right. "They are easy to remember, our parents made it that way so they could remember our names" Emma explains. I nod to show that I understand.

"Okay, why are you here?" Luke asks. They all look at him curiously. "What?" he asks.

"You're the newborn," Ignavus says excitedly. "We knew about you as soon as you became one of us and it wasn't through killing another, it was from the leader"

"You call me the new born? I'm almost fourteen!" Luke says annoyed. I roll my eyes.

"You're a new born Dread meaning you became one of us purely" Isaac explains. "Just like me" He says with a smile. "I was one of the first that scientists injected and trust me, no matter what you have been told we weren't a mistake. The scientist knew exactly what we were capable of and they still created us"

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