Chapter 2

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Ajax groaned as he sat up from his bed. He was in pain. The throw from last night seemed to have dislocated his right shoulder and he was regretting his actions.

"Ah shit!" He cussed as he lifted his arm to test the measure of the pain. There was no way in hell he was leaving his house today.

"Ajax you'll have to leave the house today honey."

"Mom what the fu... I mean what a pleasant surprise." Ajax's left eye twitched as he stared at his mother well dressed in a navy blue business suit and matching heels. The thought of his mother being to old to wear heels ran across his mind but was quickly dismissed as she threw a newspaper at him.

He lifted his arm to catch the newspaper before it hit him in the face and let out a cuss as the pain shot up his arm.

His mother rolled her eyes. "Not because you have Jamaican blood, gives you the right to cuss so much."

Ajax grinned at his mother as he opened the newspaper.

"Mom, how did you get in here?"

"You never lock your doors Ajax. I'm surprised you arent mugged yet."

Ajax grimaced as his thoughts went back to his unlocked car door last night and his smashing throw which led to his dislocated arm.

"What am I looking for in the newspaper anyway. Damn they opened a sports club two blocks away. Cool."

"Forget about that stupid sports club. Do you know the Rostovs?" Ajax's mother's face brightened as she mentioned the Rostovs. Ajax knew his mother and she looked as if she had something up her sleeve.

"No I don't. Why did you ask?" Ajax mentally prayed that it wasn't another attempt at getting him to settle down with another "Slutty Sarah". Every other week his mother would get him on dates with girls who were after his money and fame. He was drugged once by one of them who was trying to get him to impregnate her. Thank the good Lord that his mother had sent some bodyguards to watch him and saved him before the girl could drag him off. 

"Well, they have a beautiful..."

"Mom no!" Ajax interrupted. "I hate your stupid set ups. They never work out. You need to realize that I'm meant to be alone."

"Business, beautiful business." his mother continued ignoring his outburst.

Ajax took a deep breathe and rolled his eyes. "Well what does that have to do with me?"

"You are supposed to be working there in about two hours."

"Two ho... Mom what the fuck! I dont need to work for 'The Rostovs'. I have my own fucking job and my own fucking money."

"Your mouth needs some god damn bleach boy. So disrespectful."

"I'm sorry mom but I'm not going to work for anybody. I have my own job, my own money. I have everything I could ever need here. I dont need your help and I dont need the help of some damn strangers."

Ajax's mother took a deep breth as the pinched the bridge of her nose. Her frown lines deepened as she wondered how the hell her child became so stubborn. It was probably his stupid friend Rachel or was it Robin? Oh whatever, it started with an 'R'.

"I know you have your business Ajax but this is just paying back a family debt."

"So why do I have to work there as pay back? I didn't borrow anything from them." Ajax fumed as he threw the newspaper to the ground. He angrily rose from his bed ignoring the pain surging up his arm. He strode to the bathroom where he washed his face and began brushing his teeth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2017 ⏰

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