Chapter 29 - The Photo

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I woke up Sunday morning excited for the day and wanting to do something. The night before was not something I should be celebrating but the way I had ended my night with Nova I felt as if the world was shining a little brighter than before. Even Kendall could see my happy attitude when I came back into the dorm after getting ready for the day.

"Good Morning!" I smiled, grabbing my phone from my night stand. She raised an eyebrow in my direction as she looked up from her textbook.

"Good Morning. You seem chipper today." She commented. I shrugged my shoulders as I unlocked my phone and searched for Will's contact.

"I'm going to ask Will if he wants to hang out today." I said without looking up from my phone.

"Liam and I are going to hang out today, you can join us if you want." Kendall offered.

I smiled and shook my head, "You're always either studying or sleeping. I think you guys need some alone time." I winked at her, turning her face a bright red.

As soon as I hit Will's contact number I threw myself onto my bed, stomach down and crossed my ankles in the air. He answered after only 3 rings.

"Hey, Dani." I smiled at the sound of his voice, excited to see him if he had time to hang out.

"Hey, Will. Are you busy today?" I asked. I could almost see him shaking his head.

"Nope! I was going to just chill in the dorm today. Why? Wanna hangout?" I smirked at the suggestion, almost as if he was reading my mind.

"You read my mind!"

After making plans and getting ready, 30 minutes later we were both in car and together we went down to the bowling alley, a place I had surprisingly forgot that I really enjoyed. I remember when I had first come here we would always go bowling whenever we got bored but eventually that got boring for everyone else. I only stopped going because I had no one else to go with.

The alley was surprisingly packed. Considering the fact that it was a Sunday morning, I wasn't expecting as many people as there were. There were many familiar faces but none that I would have to stop and have a conversation with, thank goodness.

Will had kindly paid for the both of us even after I had insisted I could pay for myself. We both got a pair of bowling shoes and were assigned lane 25, the very last one on the end.

"You're going down, Sanders." I said playfully as I tied my shoes,

He let out a soft 'pfft' as he finished tying his laces. I laughed out loud as he jumped up from his seat into a lunge position to stretch out his legs, "Little did you know that I am world champion bowler." I rolled my eyes.

"I find that hard to believe," I said.

"Believe it or not, you're going down Tyler!" He mimicked me.

He beat me with 4 strikes in a row in our first game. We took a break after the first game to grab some food from the concession stand. He had practically bought one of everything off the menu and I had settled for an order of nachos.

"This is fun. We haven't hung out like this, just the two of us, in a really long time." He nodded as he finished chewing the food that was in his mouth.

"I know right? You seem a lot happier." I looked down at my nachos and blushed. I knew I couldn't hide my red cheeks from Will though. "You and Nova are getting pretty serious huh?" I was thrilled with how well he and Nova were getting along. The way he called him by his first name was only more of an indication how well things were going.

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