Chapter 14

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I can't help but watch his lips as he talks

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I can't help but watch his lips as he talks. He is like the forbidden fruit, and I just can't have him. Jana nudges me and I zip back to life. "What?"

"We're talking about fall break if you want to participate in the conversation. I was thinking a road trip, that would be fun."

Taylor rolls her eyes. "Jana, you keep saying road trip, but a road trip to where?"

She shrugs. "We have time to decide that."

"Oh, I don't know if I can go on a trip. I might go to Canada and visit my Dad," I tell Jana and she frowns.

"That's too bad," Daniel joins in, "because I know a guy who will let us stay at his cabin up north. I've been before, he's friends with my dad. The place is insane."

"Seriously?" Jordan asks and Daniel nods. "This is going to be great, we have to go."

Taylor looks to Jana. "What do you think? A few days up in the dense forest, in an apparently amazing cabin?"

"How could I say no?"

I watch as they talk on and on about the cabin. I sink down in my spot. My phone vibrates in my backpack, and I fish it out. It's my mother calling. I stand up and rush to the door.

"Where are you going?" Jana calls to me.

I point to my phone and she nods.

Slipping through the doors, I wander down the hall and press 'accept call'. With my phone to my ear, I answer, "Mom?"

"Hi, Hailey. I'm just calling to say that I'll be home late again tonight. We're really cracking down on this case and I just can't leave until I get a confession."

I sigh. "That's fine."

"There's food in the fridge for you to heat up, and I left money on the counter if you want to order in or something."

"Okay. Oh, is my trip to Canada written in stone?"

There's a pause, she must be thinking. "No, not yet. Why? Are you having second thoughts?"

"I don't know. I'll talk to you later, you're probably busy."

"Alright. Have a good day, keep the house clean, please," and with that, she's gone. Most of our conversations lately have been over the phone. Usually, she gets home when I'm asleep, and when I leave for school, she's asleep, then, when I get home, she's at work. I feel as if I'm living by myself.

Just as I turn to head back to the cafeteria, I panic when I catch Harrison walking down the hallway. He's talking with Bradley and Daphne, to makes things better. Quickly, I try and walk away from them, in the opposite direction, but it's too late. They have spotted their target.

"Hailey," Daphne sings my name. "I haven't seen you in a while. I thought maybe you actually left."

I avoid Harrison's eyes and look at the floor. "I'm in your Economics? I sit two desks away from you."

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