Party time!

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  • Dedicated to Lynne

Dedicated to my awesome mum who knows that one day I'll be acting like Georgia - JOKES!!!

It was Saturday night and I was with Kate, Amy and Lisa preparing for the party. Lydia was with Sam and Damien was probably getting ready by himself.

We were all doing each other's hair and makeup - gushing over how great we each looked. I had my new outfit on from he mall and so did Kate and Amy. Kate was wearing a stunning halterneck black dress and Amy had on tight leggings on underneath a tight, long tee.

Lisa was wearing a cute dress which looked great on her, and we were having the time of our lives getting ready.

" Eric is gonna fall head over heels for you tonight girl!" Lisa laughed. " You look amazing!"

" Totally." Kate agreed.

I laughed. " I'm sure I don't look that amazing," I said modestly.

Amy winded her eyes at me. " You look so hot!! Don't even try to be modest."

I laughed. " Whatever."

They still managed to convince me I looked my best and I started feeling like a million bucks with all the girls complementing me.

Once it started getting late, we ran down the stairs to leave in Amy's convertible.

" Have a fun night girls!" My mother yelled as we walked out the door.

" We will!!" all of us chorused in unison before cracking up and jumping in Amy's car.

Amy started it up with Kate in the front and me and Lisa in the back. They managed to find some music on the radio and cranked it up letting Flo Rida's " Good feeling" pump out of the speakers.

We all sang along at the top of our lungs and by the time we got to the party, our voices were done for after belting out the words. We jumped out and gazed at the house in awe for a moment. It definitely wasn't a mansion but not a small house either. I wondered where Eric got all the money from. Just thinking about him made me weak at the knees. The house was amazing. The balcony overlooked the beach and teenagers were already up there dancing Wiley to the music that was coming from inside. Kate started walking inside, us following her at her heels. After walking inside, we drifted into the lounge where people we dancing or sitting on the couches together. It was like every party I had been to but it seemed less rowdier and the house was much nicer. Kate, Amy and Lisa all wandered off in self rate directions, leaving me standing there. It didn't take me long to spot Lydia and Sam wildly dancing together, and I pounced on them.

" Hi!" I yelled over the loud music. They turned to me and both have me a hug.

" You look awesome!!" Lydia helped to me grinning. " You will certainly have Eric by the end of the night!"

Despite us talking about Eric, Sam laughed. He seemed less tense and he was feeling Lydia up. He must have had a couple of drinks and I laughed.

" You wanna head to the kitchen?!" Lydia yelled over the crowd and I nodded. Sounded like a good idea.

" Lets go!" I said and we both made our way through the crowd. I followed Lydia and we were soon in a kitchen which was crowded with people. I was glad that Eric was an easygoing teacher and allows drinks at the party. I grabbed a simple glass of wine and Lydia did the same. We took our refreshments back into the lounge and I sipped the drink contentedly and looked around the room. Lydia disappeared again and I stood there, the wine going to my head and making me buzz. I looked around the room to see if Eric was there but I couldn't see him. I downed my drink and headed to the kitchen to grab another. I bumped into Kate on the way and hugged her. " Hi!" I said excitedly.

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