So you think you can mess with me?

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Part 13

So you think you can mess with me?

Do you want to know the worst thing about first class today?

Add Vincent. Add Carlie making kissing noises. My father would have loved it, but I only find it embarrassing. I am actually too scared to look up and meet his eyes. Of course I told my best friend and no I can’t tell her to stop! We made a pact and she is keeping her deal of it.

The act would have been perfect if I could muster sighs of happiness and a dreamy look in my eyes. That is thankfully not the case and I settle for the shy embarrassed girl without acting at all and everyone seems to be jumping on Carlie’s behaviour! Only three of us knows we kissed last night and two of us feels uncomfortable in the situation my new friend created.

I feel sorry for Vincent for trying to teach us during this mess. It’s the mate bond that is making me feel empathy for him. That’s good, it means we are getting closer.

“I am going to collect your homework now,” Vincent says with a loud and clear voice that makes my knees weak.

I give him the sweetest smile when he passes my desk and Carlie leans over with her homework.

“I hope you like my assignment, Sir,” she grins widely. “I worked long and hard on it!”

He looks back at her with a disapproving glare and quickly add our homework to the pile of papers in his hand. My eyes gets stuck on his lips and I feel myself getting hot all over when I think of the kiss we shared yesterday. A part of me regrets not leading him into the bedroom where I would have gotten more than that. That’s not the way I’d want my first time to be like though. I want it to be special, I want it to be on our wedding night.

My name is Princess, I’m allowed to be romantic. But not romantic enough to wear a wedding dress, it’s bad enough that I have to wear a dress to school!

“We are going to talk about your future today,” he begins the class and wakes me up from my daydreaming. “This is your last year in school and it is about time that you start considering what you want to do for the rest of your life. Did anyone make their mind up yet?”

I reach up my hand immediately but none of the other students are so I’m alone and he’s forced to pick me.

“Ray,” he says a bit annoyed and I give him my sickly sweet smile.

“I want to be a teacher.”

“You do?” he says a bit surprised but also suspicious. “Are you sure? Isn’t there something else you’d rather try?”

“I want it more than anything,” I say convincingly.

“Very well then, what are you going to teach?”

“That is for me to know and you to find out.”

Carlie breaks out in a laughing fit while I stare back at my mate seriously.

“That’s why I asked,” he says with another annoyed glare at Carlie.

“You can ask, but the answer won’t mean anything to you unless you understand. You do not understand me Vincent. Yet.”

He clenches his teeth, his wolf recognises my challenge when his human doesn’t. This man is making me so confused. The class continues on the same way and I can feel his frustration growing. It finally rings out and I linger on so I’m the last student left in the classroom. I want to talk with him alone.

“Another riddle, Ray?” he says uninterestedly when I walk up to his desk. He’s reading our homework and I wonder if he read mine yet.

“You aren’t supposed to solve me,” I tell him. “Just accept me the way I am.”

Princess and The Little Onesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن