Chapter 28

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It was a nice day. It was the middle of October, so warm days became more and more rare. The temperature wasn't too high and I still needed a sweater, but it was nice enough to sit outside comfortably.

It was Friday afternoon. Normally I would have a therapy session, but my parents thought it would be best to take a break from those until they understood what had triggered my emotional episode.

I walked down the sidewalk, watching the houses as I passed them. I imagined families inside, bundling up as the day grew to night. They would be preparing for dinner, sitting together, enjoying the company of their loved ones.

I thought about my own family doing the same. Laughing with each other. Having each other every day. Reminiscing about memories that they shared. Years of memories that I didn't have, or wasn't apart of.

They had been happy. Very happy. They didn't need me, in fact, I was just making it harder on them.

The sky grew darker as the sun began to set. I knew I should turn back soon, but my feet continued to carry me forward. I looked up from my feet to find myself at the park. It was empty as far as I could see. I stepped into the box filled with wood chips and dirt and made my way to the swing set.

The wind blew around, making my untamed hair fly around my face. The sky, covered completely with clouds sent ominous shadows across the playground. I walked past the jungle gym and froze at the sound of children's laughter echoing in my mind.

I glanced around, confirming again that the park was empty. I made my way to the swing set and sat down in one and let myself drift back and forth. The temperature around me continued to drop as I sat, but the cold  calmed me. It was familiar.

As I glanced out at the long stretch of grass, images of families spread out on picnic blankets flashed in front of my eyes. Dogs chasing balls, kids screaming with delight. Proud parents watching their toddlers make it down the slide on their own.

The images in my head held a soft glow, which contrasted greatly with the dark, empty park in front of me. From the corner of my eye I saw flicker of yellow. Turning, I caught sight of a bright yellow butterfly, with large beautiful wings.

It fluttered around, dancing along the breeze. I watched as the butterfly moved past my face and I stood. I followed the golden wings that nearly flowed in the approaching darkness as they moved. The color grew brighter as it flew threw the rays of the setting sun peeking through the clouds.

The butterfly circled around me and I spun to keep sight of it. I followed it around trees, over the grassy hill, along the edge of the pond.

It disappeared behind the trunk of a large tree and I followed, smiling when I saw the wings again on the other side. I picked up speed to keep up, jumping along the stone path. I came to the edge of the park, a line of trees outlined the grassy area.

I stopped in my tracks, letting the butterfly fly away, out of my line of vision. A shiver forced its way down my spine, and my body to shook.

I felt the wind suddenly, as it sliced through my clothes. I closed my eyes as the cold filled me. I expected the same chill, but I was met with something entirely different.

Strong hands gripped my shoulders and roughly pulled me back. I stumbled, but rather than falling, I was lifted into the air as arms wrapped securely around me.

My eyes snapped open as I registered what was happening. These images- I had seen them before in a dream. At least, I thought it had been a dream. This was no dream, though.

This was a memory.

I had been afraid, terrified. My heart had pumped in my chest as the man's hand tightened over my mouth. I had tried to scream. I had tried to get away. I didn't want to go with that man. He had been mean, uncaring, unfeeling as he threw me into the back of the van.

I remembered it all.

My birthday party. It was supposed to be a day spent with my family, but instead it turned out to be the last day I would see them. My parents, my brother, my grandmother, aunts and uncles baring gifts for a beloved child.

I was standing in the same spot that I had been twelve years ago. The same place I had been taken from.

I stared out at the street outside of the park. I tried to pair the image in my head with the one in front of me. I wanted my mind to accept that this place was the same as the one from my memory.

It was quiet. So quiet. I tensed at the sudden feeling of someone's eyes on me. The hair on the back of my neck stood up. With one quick turn, I was facing the park, watching for any sign of another person. I found none. I couldn't see anyone.

It didn't help that the last of the day's light was fading. I tried to shake the uncomfortable feeling and turned back to the sidewalk. It was time for me to go home.

~ ~ ~

I moved quietly up the walkway towards the door of my house. Night had completely fallen and the only light came from the street lamps. It was freezing; my breaths came out in small clouds in front of my lips. The light sweater I was wearing had been enough with the sunlight to help warm me, but it was doing little now.

I gripped the knob and pushed the door open, sighing in relief when I was immediately surrounded by warmth. I turned and closed the door, but spun back around when I heard footsteps rushing towards me.

Miranda materialized from the hallway, her features struck with worry. When she caught side of me, her eyes filled with both relief and tears.

"Oh, Bella!" She closed the distance between us and pulled me into a hug. "I was so worried!"

My eyes widened in surprise at her sudden embrace. Over her shoulder I saw Victor enter as well, his expression similar to Miranda's.

He heaved out a sigh. "Bella, thank God." He came over and wrapped his arms around the both of us. When he pulled back he turned and called into the house. "Sam, Liam, she's here!"

Confusion consumed my mind. "What is happening?"

My brother and aunt ran into the room with similar reactions to my parents. The both hugged me tightly, expressing how happy they were to see me.

"Where have you been, Bella?" My mother asked. "We were worried sick."

"I went for a walk." I said, still confused. "I told you that I was leaving earlier."

She blew out a breath. "Sweetheart, that was two hours ago. We expected you to be back sooner, and when you weren't-" she broke off, shaking her head.

"It's alright." Victor said, cutting in. "You're home now."

Miranda pressed her lips together and nodded. She watched me for a moment before smiling softly.

"Right. You're here now." She placed her hands on my arms. "You're freezing, honey, why don't you go take a warm shower and get ready for bed?"

I nodded, stepping away from my family. I moved towards the staircase, but paused, turning back to them.

"I'm sorry for worrying you." I said quietly. "But thank you."

Without another word, I turned and left them.

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Okay, well this is probably the shortest chapter in the entire book. It is also just a filler chapter. Sorry guys. Still, please let me know what you think :)

Like every other chapter this is unedited. Like verrry unedited. Thanks so much for reading!

And don't worry, the next chapter will be up very soon :)

Until Next Time....


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