Chapter XV ♥ Loyalty

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"You really are a terrible person," Sarina muttered to herself, sitting awkwardly at the table. Caleb looked at her with furrowed brows, clearly in question. "You two went out for three years. Does that mean that you've been playing her for a fool for three years?" she asked full of disgust, shaking her head. Everyone looked to Caleb in question who nervously looked down.

"Uhm," he chewed at his bottom lip. "I truly did like her, it's just... recently. When that like turned into love, it became too much," Caleb was trying to save his tailbone.

"So you decided the best course of action was not to tell her how you felt and break up with her, but to cheat on her," Sarina said, accusingly. Caleb felt even tenser and shook his head, not offering any explanation but instead decided to shift the blame.

"It's not as if she didn't keep secrets from me. All this-," he said, throwing his arms wide to indicate to the palace. "-was a total secret to me. She never told me she was a princess," Sarina practically growled.

"She didn't need to. She was a princess to me even before I knew she was the Princess," this silenced Caleb. A sigh emitted from the Queen's throat, everyone looking towards her in question.

"We came here to settle all this, not to make it worse. But I guess this is one case where everyone cannot be friends at the end. This is unsettling. I apologize, but I think it would be for the best if you left," the Queen spoke, looking towards the Adams household. They were a bit shocked at this and felt like they were being kicked out, but agreed initially.

"You are right as always, Your Majesty. We do not belong here. Sorry to waste your time," Miss Adams said while standing up, the other two Adams following her example. They bowed respectfully before quickly leaving, two Royal Guards escorting them. Sarina headed to leave as well when she was interrupted.

"Sarina, was it?" she turned in surprise to see the King had addressed her. She bowed respectively.

"Yes, Your Majesty," she felt nervous and even began wondering if the tone of voice she used was appropriate.

"Join us for dinner," he called over, and Sarina took a deep breath before smiling with a nod. She sat back down and allowed a servant to push in her chair. Satisfied, the Queen began eating again so the rest began to pick at the fish as well. A servant took Melanie's dinner away, cleaning up the spot.

"So how long have you known my daughter? Five years?" the King asked curiously.

"Actually, Your Majesty, I only met her about a month ago," I admitted, gently following the twins' example of how to eat. Cornelius sat next to her and noticed her glances, so he tried to make it more obvious which cutlery he took each time.

"Really? You became friends so quickly? Where did you meet?" he sounded genuinely interested which rose Sarina's spirits. The King noticed how badly Sarina wanted to protect Melanie and felt almost proud knowing that his daughter had someone who would stick up for her like that, even in front of someone like himself and the Queen. His daughter deserved someone who would do that for her.

"At her ballet open class. I kind of back flipped off the roof and almost landed on her," she said sheepishly, chuckling nervously as she hoped that she wouldn't be thrown into prison for almost landing on the Princess. Instead, the twins and King began laughing, the Queen also showing her amusement.

"Of course my daughter wouldn't be able to make friends the normal way," he chuckled amusingly. It made Sarina feel lighter, knowing that she wasn't making a total fool of herself in front of royalty. "So tell me about yourself," Sarina took a deep breath and nodded.

Mondo Pastello | girlxgirl | Completed♕Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora