Chapter 22

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Lewis's POV

Silas looked at me carefully, his eyes filled with pain. He ran a hand through his hair.  "You... You're sure?"

I looked at him, feeling terrible as I forced the words out of my mouth. "... Yes."

He sighed, dropping his arm. I half expected him to get angry, but somehow, I knew he'd changed. Still, it wouldn't affect my decision. I just... Can't go back with him. Not to my old life. I can't just be okay with what happened. It hurt, but I knew it was the right thing to do.

Josef stood by my side, reassuring me in more ways than one. If I found another mate, chances are, Silas will too. He'll get another chance to be happy and take care of someone. He'll redeem himself, I'm sure.

We stood at the edge of the pack boundaries, Silas preparing for the rejection. Before I could speak, he leaned forward, pressing his lips against mine. I leaned in quietly, allowing him this. Josef's fists clenched, but even he understood.

When Silas pulled away, the sparks disappeared. I almost wanted to melt into the touch, but I didn't. I opened my eyes and looked up at him.

Silas had changed since the time he rejected me. His build was larger, his eyes lighter, and he seemed... Softer. Overall, he was different. I knew that he wouldn't hurt me, or force me into anything, but... I looked up at Josef, who smiled down at me. I saw the jealousy in his eyes, though, and knew he was holding back to keep from hurting Silas.

I sighed. "Silas," he looked down, raising an eyebrow. "I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen."

His eyebrows furrowed, his eyes clenched shut painfully. "Lewis... I am too. I... I don't know what I was thinking. Maybe I just... Couldn't accept that I had a mate that was different. That I was different. I'm the Alpha, I'm supposed to fit in. But, I suppose your differences made you stronger, set you apart. I guess... I guess I didn't realize it until it was too late. So, maybe I'm stuck in the past, but I still love you. But, if you're truly happy here, I won't force you to come back."

I took a breath. "... Yeah. I'm happy here."

Silas smiled. A real, genuine smile. It lit up his whole face, and made him look so young and innocent. I smiled back. "Then, that's all I need."

I didn't realize I was crying until Josef pulled me into his arms, patting my hair gently. Silas stood there, unsure of what to do. I sobbed, my throat clenching painfully until I was gasping for air. I turned around in Josef's arms, looking at Silas. He smiled sadly and held out his own arms, which I gladly accepted. His hug was different from Josef's. Where Josef's was warm and comforting, Silas's was huge and awkard. The thought made me laugh, despite the tears rolling down my face.

Finally, I pulled back and looked at Silas, taking a deep breath. Silas closed his eyes. "I, Lewis Grant, hereby reject you, Silas Lupine, Alpha of the pack, as my mate."

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