Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 

Krista saw it over and over again in her head.

She had turned to kill the Roman when his raging body came to a sudden halt, an arrow imbedded in his neck.

Looking back on it, Krista could remember hearing the whistle of the second arrow as it sliced through the air and the soft thud as it impacted against his armour plating.

She had been about to kill him when the Empress had found it prudent to step in.

But Pompeia had no right to intervene in the one place where Krista could control the outcome of her life; the one place where Krista held power.

Not only had Pompeia stole the glory of the kill from Krista, she had also stolen the small amount of free will Krista had left.

The free will where Krista had agreed to Pompeia’s deal, but now Pompeia would hold this act over Krista’s head.

Pompeia would want the favour returned.

Still seething with anger and yet unable to do anything about it, Krista continued to wash the blood from her skin to reveal the shallow cuts made against her flesh that were already beginning to clot.

Pulling herself from the bath, her naked body dripping wet, she walked across the mosaic floor and gathered up her leather battle outfit.

Slipping on the lappet-skirt that fastened around her waist, Krista tightened the straps to the intricate breast plate that barely protected anything and pulled on her single leather pauldron.

The blood had been cleaned away from the breast plate making the metal gleam once more.

Lacing the boots around her calves, she pulled on her wrist bracers and tightened the string until they stayed in place.

Krista felt more comfortable dressed in armour as she wrinced the water from her hair and slipped from the baths, heading towards her room.

Ludus Magnus, once a roaring and over-crowded gladiator school seemed almost desolate with many of its students now occupying an early grave just beyond the city walls.

At least, that’s where Krista liked to think they were when she knew full well that they had probably been fed to the wild animals.

Walking down the arcade, Krista lifted her gaze when she heard someone walking towards her and saw Artorius.

He had not yet seen her allowing Krista a glimpse at his brooding face, framed beautifully by his thick black hair.

His expression was dark and his gaze looked like he was ready to kill someone as his eyebrows were furrowed down and his lips were pulled into a grimace.

Artorius had not spoken to her since just after the games had begun and despite Krista knowing that she had bigger matters on hand, she still wanted to know why.

And she was never one to turn down a fight so, keeping her path true, she kept walking until it was too late for Artorius to escape.

“Krista?” Artorius looked up and caught her heading straight for him, his eyes no longer looked dark and vengeful but worried.

“Artorius,” Krista nodded her head formally, unsure of what to say and yet it felt like a betrayal after everything they had shared.

“I heard you fought well in the arena with the chariots,” Artorius was making small talk whilst Krista just stared at him, not sure who this person was anymore.

Gladiator of Rome (#1 in Gladiator Series)Where stories live. Discover now