Chapter 36: Poisoned food

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Okay, couple of things..

1. I will be writing a sequel for this book :) so be prepared haha.

2. Okay, so I use my ipod to write my new chapters on because it's easier on there than on my phone. But I got the new update, and my ipod’s keyboard doesn't work. Like whenever I type on it, it lags, so if you know how to fix it, please tell me lol. I tried turning my iPod off, but it still didn't work. Any ideas on how to fix it?

3. Sorry I haven't been updating in a while, I have been busy with softball, school, and babysitting. I'm starting to get sick more often....which isn't good. But I'm updating as fast as I can so please forgive me. I feel really bad.

4. And did you guys see the Teen Wolf episode Monday? O.o OH MY GOSH IT WAS GREAT!!! :D Dylan O', sexy man...

5. Okay, so these random people added me on snapchat, and idk if it's any of you guys lol. And anyone play fun run or League of Legends? :) love those games haha.

6. Oh I also put up Keeks of my cousin and I answering some of your guy's questions :) check 'em out.

7. I'm obsessed with Justin Moore.... :)



"Bout time." Ashe smirked as Jake and I walked down the stairs.

"Oh shut up." I laughed blushing.

Jake chuckled and pulled me into him. "She's fully mine now." He teased.

I pushed him away from me and laughed. "So where is everyone?" I asked.

"Um, John, Scott, and some other guys went to go investigate more about Sadie, and Stacy, Momma C, Lilly, Katie, and Tony went to go get some food. So it's just me, you, Jake, David, and Liam." Ashe said taking a seat at the kitchen table.

"We should all go out." I said right as David and Liam came down the stairs.

"What are we doing?" David asked going straight to Ashe.

"I said that we should all go out. Like leave the house for awhile."

"I'm down with that." Liam smiled.

"Sure." David nodded.

"Eh, why not." Jake said going to the fridge.

"You're gonna get fat if you keep eating like that. I mean seriously. You eat 24/7." I laughed.

Jake turned around and growled at me. I just continued standing there smirking at him.

"Oh I'm sorry. Did I hurt your feelings?" I asked faking to be concerned.

"Aren't you funny." Jake said sticking his tongue out at me.

"Oh I know I am. But honey, you are starting to look a little fat in those jeans. Might want to watch the cheese cake." I said as I saw him grab a slice of my mom's homemade cheese cake.

Jake gasped and tried to look at his butt. Which caused him to go around in circles.

"My butt is not fat. And I look great in these jeans." He defended.

"Keep telling yourself that."

"David? Is my butt fat?" Jake asked him.

David shrugged. "Maybe a little."

Jake growled and put the cheese cake down and went to the stairs.

"Where ya going?" I asked smiling.

"To go change, then hit the gym." He mumbled and walked up the stairs.

I stood there laughing and Ashe joined in.

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