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Instinct kicked in and her elbow went behind her. The mysterious person behind her caught her elbow before it connected with the abdomen or ribs.

Only one person she knew was fast enough to know her gut reaction and counter it.


She turned around and punched his arm. “Don’t do that. For a fraction of a second, I thought you were Ben! I was about to sweep kick you to the ground and stomp on a part that you don’t want me to hurt.” Her face and voice softened.  “I don’t wanna hurt you, honey,” she said as she put a hand on his two-day stubble.

“Sorry. I wanted to surprise you. Joe and Will are in the next town over getting some supplies, but they dropped me off first. I missed you for the ten hours we were apart.”

“I missed you, too. Those newlyweds got me feeling all romantic again. I was remembering our own honeymoon.” She smiled, and Matt smiled bigger.

“Yeah, you weren’t the only one, babe. Oh, guess what?”

She just looked at him. He never waited for her to actually guess. It was just a way to change to another subject.

“Will and Lola are having another baby! I was there when she told him. The man couldn’t be happier. It got me to thinking.” Terry knew that look. She smiled.

“Oh, yeah? Well, let’s go in and you can tell me all about it.” She said, and grabbed his hand and led him inside.

. . . . .

The rain woke Renee up. She hadn’t slept that well in a few days. Once again, she had Adam to thank, but this time, he was next to her. Marrying him was not a mistake and it was proving to be the best thing that had ever happened to her. For a brief moment, she wondered if life with Jaden would’ve made her this happy, but she shook the thought from her head and said a quiet prayer of thanks for the man asleep next to her.

She went to stand but his wrapped around her waist and pulled her back in bed. “I thought you were asleep.” She said with a gasp and then a giggle.

He smiled a sleepy, satisfied grin. “I was, until you tried to get up.”

“I was gonna look out the window. The rain woke me. You, my dear man, are very good for me. I slept so well. Better than I had in a very long while. I do, however, need to go to the restroom, sweetheart.” With a peck to his cheek, she walked to the bathroom.

“Okay, I’m right behind you.” He answered and jumped out of bed. He was suddenly thankful their room had a private bath. After she’d washed her hands, she poked her head out.

“I’m gonna get a quick shower, okay?” He smiled and opened the door.

“I’d be glad to assist you, ma’am.” Renee just laughed and turned the water on.

. . . . .

Will was starting to think he should’ve stayed at the house and let Matt go with Joe; he was in so much pain. Joe and Will had decided to let Matt and Terry have some time alone, too.

Now they were headed back to the house.

“I’m gonna do some crazy driving. I can’t shake this car behind me. Make sure you’re buckled.” Joe informed Will.

Will cocked his 9 mil. “OORAH! Locked, loaded, and waitin’ for da word.” Will said a little too exuberantly.

Joe did a sudden U-turn on the two lane road, and headed in the other direction. Then he turned left down a dirt road when he didn’t see the white suburban behind him. He drove for a few minutes before turning around. He’d shaken the vehicle, but wasn’t sure they were rid of him yet. His black eye and his friend’s cast and other injuries were a reminder of what they were doing and why.

Thunder Storms (#1 - Semper Fi Series)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя