Chapter 30

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***Warning: Violence Ahead***

"Everything ok over here Evie?"


I snap my head to gawk at him in complete sync with Alex. I feel Alex grow defensive of me as he begins to make a fist behind my back.

"Logan. Umm, yeah. Everything is fine." I put on my best fake smile but I have never really been good at fooling my brother. He has always been the one person who saw through almost every smile. And right now I can't manage to hide every ounce of concern from my face.

Logan's eyes inspect me closely before turning to Alex and then back to me.

"Who's this?" Logan asks suspiciously. He continues to eye Alex off whilst Alex stays planted at my side not letting his hand move from my back. It is clear that Alex is ready to kill for me.

I repeat he is my brother over and over again in my mind hoping that Alex is listening in and by a stroke of luck he softens his stance and extends his hand to Logan.

Logan receives it cautiously and shakes it firmly.

"I'm Alex. You must be Evie's brother."

"Yeah I am. Who exactly are you?" Dammit Logan, of all the times to be over protective, this is not one of them.

Still holding onto Logan's hand, Alex pulls him in closer and locks eyes.

"I am here to help Evie. You need to leave right now and trust no one but your sister and I. Someone is trying to hurt Evie and I may need your help to protect her." His words come out slow and planned as Logan watches him speak intently.

As soon as Alex has finished, Logan lets go of his hand and begins to walk toward the exit in an almost zombie like state.

"Did you just mind control my brother?" I ask sternly.

Alex looks down at me and gives me a half smile and I hear him say yes in his mind.

"And me? Did you do the same to me to make me dance with you?"

"I didn't want you to draw attention to us."

I lightly punch him in his stomach as he looks at me with wondering eyes that scream why.

When we are out of this mess, I will hit you harder.

I look back over to the table and watch as Logan approaches the rest of the guests. I stare in horror as Uncle James stands to see what is the matter but Logan just shrugs him off and continues to head to the exit. Uncle James knows something is wrong.

"We need to go, now." Alex claims as he grabs my hand and begins leading me in the other direction.

I look over my shoulder and notice that Uncle James is now speaking with some security guards as Max and his father share words while their eyes all remain glued to me.

Suddenly we are stopped in our tracks by a large Russian looking man as wide as two of me with a scar on his left cheek. He eyes us off and looks over our shoulder to receive his orders.

Evie, I need you to get down and crawl over to the bar and wait there. Alex's voice sounds through my head as he tightens his grip on my hand before letting it go completely.

I hit the deck and crawl as fast as my dress will let me as screams begin to fill the theater. I don't look back to watch but instead hurry over to the bar just as Alex ordered.

I reach the bar in no time and sit up with my back against it hoping that the few stools in front of me will hide me from sight.

By now people are rushing towards the exits, scared for their lives as their worried shrieks fill every inch of the room. I try to search for Sage within the chaos, but her baby pink dress is hard to distinguish amongst the blur of people.

Zone Zero (Book 1 of 3)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon