Chapter 19

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The first person Amelia thought of in the situation was Jake. She felt as if Jake would be more emotionally equipped to handle the situation. She'd rushed home and immediately crossed the street to the Gallagher household. She anxiously banged on the door hoping that Seth wasn't home, she didn't want to cause him any panic after everything he's been through.

The door opens and a sleepy-eyed Jake answers. He rubs his eyes with the palm of his hands and his hair is a disheveled mess. He gazes at Amelia through hooded eyes.

"We need to talk." She speaks as she reveals the note.

She doesn't wait for a response. She brushes past him and into their living room. He confusedly follows after her as she makes herself comfortable and places the envelope on their mahogany coffee table. She motions for him to read it. He reaches for the letter and opens it up. His eyes scan over the words multiple times before he turns his attention to her.

"Where did you get this?"

"I found it in my bag." She explains. "I'd been all over town this morning, anyone could have slipped it in there without my knowledge."

He glances at the brief note again and sits on the coffee table to face her. He drops the letter onto the table and analyzes her face. She seems to be emotionless as if she's trying to put on a brave face, but he knows better.

"You're not going to the dance." He reprimands and she scoffs.

"I have to," She defends. "What if they do something bad because I never showed up."

He mulls her words over for a moment before exhaling. He knows I'm right. He rubs his chin in thought as he glances at the letter again.

"I'm going with you."

"Why?" She questions like a spoiled toddler.

"As if I'm going to let you walk into danger all by yourself." He scoffs at her outrageousness.

"I'll be fine, I can handle myself."

"Tell that to the other victims." He understands his words are harsh, but it is something she needs to consider.

She'd be walking straight into The Lurker's trap. As much as she hates to admit it, she knows he's correct.

"Fine." She relents.

"No need to get so excited." He sarcastically replies.

The dance is in full swing as Amelia walks in with her arm interlocked with Jake's. She notices a few stares directed their way but she couldn't blame them. Everyone knows he and Abigail have a thing, and now here he is with another girl attached to his arm. She attempts to ignore the scrutinizing gazes as she casually walks around the gymnasium with her date.

Abigail is the first to spot them and she is less than pleased that Jake rejected her invitation for a downgraded model. She takes a sip of her spiked punch for liquid courage before marching toward the couple. Jake curses as he notices the angry girl approaching them and nudges Amelia.

"I thought you couldn't come." She sets her fierce stare on him.

"I said I couldn't come with you." He shrugs.

"So you came with her?" She scrunches her nose in disgust as if Amelia were a vile vermin.

Amelia chooses to ignore it finding it best that Jake handle the situation.

"Look, Abigail, I'm not in the mood for an argument." He dismisses her attempt at causing a scene and pulls Amelia away.

"Sorry about that." He apologizes once they are out of earshot.

"It's nothing I've never experienced before." She brushes it off and focuses on gazing around the room.

The Lurker could be any of these people and given the history of school dances - she has no doubt they will make their grand entrance once again. She keeps herself busy by making small talk with Jake. His eyes seem focused on something behind her their entire conversation and she notices Seth hovering at the exit.

"Go talk to him." Amelia insists.

He hesitates until she motions in his direction with her head. He hurriedly jumps out of his seat and pushes through the crowd to get to his brother. She places her elbow on the table and places her chin in her hand.

The night is already a disaster and its barely happened. She glances at her phone waiting for a text from The Lurker but it never arrives. Time is ticking away and the night is coming to an end - at least the Winter Ball. The afterparty is the true rager and Amelia doesn't want to miss out on a night of fun.

Calling The Lurker's bluff, she grabs her things and goes on the lookout for Jake. She finds him near the exit where Seth was last seen. He's leaning against the wall with crossed arms and a giant scowl on his face. She apprehensively approaches him and his muscles tense until he realizes its just her.

"I take it didn't go well." She speaks and he can only shake his head. "Want to go to the afterparty?"

The corner of his lip twitches and a smile forms on her face.

"Let's go."

Many seem to follow their lead as they make their way out into the parking lot. The air pierces at the skin as the icicles are carried through the wind. Amelia wraps her arms around herself as the thin sweater she brought barely does its job. She is enveloped by warmth as Jake places his jacket over her shoulder and she smiles in thanks.

He unlocks his Jeep and opens the door for her. She places one foot in before a hair-raising wail pierces the peaceful atmosphere. Everyone in the parking lot flocks towards the noise as a girl in her AP Spanish class gazes at something in front of her car. The headlights illuminate the area as gasps follow.

Amelia pushes through the crowd along with Jake as they investigate the cause of the noise. She places her hand over her mouth to stop the oncoming vomit as the sight of Abigail's mutilated body is attached to one of the poles. Her head is lulled to the side and her eyes are wide open, as if she'd released one last wail before her untimely demise.

The blood is still gashing out of her abdomen as a giant slice is carved into her. Amelia attempts to look away but the sight is so grotesque she cannot will her eyes away. She finally breaks the gaze to look up at Jake. His eyes are glossy but his face is void of emotion as he stares at her hanging corpse. He senses Amelia's gaze and sniffs.

"We need to get you out of here." He says and immediately pulls her through the crowd. Her eyes wander around the area until they fall on a cloaked figure a few feet away. Her breath hitches and she could sense their eyes are set on her, even under the hood. She attempts to tell Jake but the oxygen fails to enter her lungs. They reach his car and he ushers her inside, hurriedly closing her door.

She gazes down at her phone to find one new notification from Unknown. With a gulp she unlocks the phone and reads the text.

Looks like we'll have to postpone that dance. I'll hold you to it. 


Just want to take a moment to thank everyone that has been reading and commenting! You keep me going xx

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