Chapter 3: The Invite

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Me and Shiro sit down on an empty bench in the courtyard. I grab my bento from my bag and begin eating. He grabs his and says, "Hey your's looks really good, who made it?" I look at his and reply, "Your's too, and I made it. Wanna trade a bit?" He nods and takes a small bit from mine and puts it in his mouth. He seems to like it. I stare at him, as if I want something, I don't know what. He likes my food, I should be happy. Smiling, Shiro takes the chopsticks from my hand and takes a piece of food from his bento. I look at him, confused and he puts the food in my mouth.

Love struck, I stare at him from a moment, my cheeks becoming redder and redder. Returning to reality, I snatch the chopsticks from his hand and ask, "Hey, what was that for?" He starts laughing and replies, "I had too, you seemed like you were waiting for it to happen. It was very cute." For a moment, I struggle to find something to say but my tsundere self doesn't fail me and I think of something, "Well, I'm not a baby, I don't need you to feed me." He laughs and hands the chopsticks back to me. I hear a giggle behind me and I turn to see Karina and Haruhi, adoring our "relationship."

"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask. "Oh umm well. I came to give you an invite to my sleepover. It's tonight and it starts at five. Can you come?" Karina says. "Umm yeah, sure," I reply, "Now leave." They walk away but I can see them looking at us from behind a tree. "What's wrong wit them?" I murmur, turning to Shiro. He shrugs and continues eating.

"Are you not hungry, you've barely touched your food?" He asks, pointing at my bento. "Yeah, I guess. I don't know, I guess I've just lost my appetite," I wrap up my bento and place it in my bag. He finishes his lunch and the bell rings. I don't want to leave! "We should head to class, what room are you in?" Shiro asks. "Uhh," I grab my timetable from my pocket, "Room... 3-7 and I've got, um, geography. Ugh."

"I'm in that room," he says. I roll my eyes and say, "Great, just make my least favourite lesson worse." He laughs awkwardly and we head to class. Let's just say, the lesson is blur to me. And as soon as it's over I run out of the school with Shiro racing after me. Finally, he catches up and he looks like he is looking for something in his pocket.

"Oh no, oh no!" He shouts.
"What is it?"
"My bus money! It's gone!" He says double checking. I look in my pocket and feel kinda sorry for him. I have a monthly bus ticket and some spare money, but I need to buy some stuff for mum. "I-I could walk home with you, it's not too far and it's only three o clock. It doesn't take two hours to get home," I say, trying to be reassuring.

"Won't people think we're a thing though?" He replies. I take a moment to think and say, "Do you wanna be left alone?"
"Thought so, c'mon, I've got to get some groceries on the way back, you can help."
"Wait, you have money?"
"Not enough to waist on you, dummy" I sigh and begin to drag him along. From behind me I hear someone running. It's Karina, "Wait! Lovebirds, do you want my parents to take you home in the car, and before you say anything, I can drop you off at the store." "Um, sure! If that's ok with y... I mean whether you like it or not we are going, Shiro Kun," I reply, arms crossed.

She takes us to the car and I get in first. Her mum is driving and Karina also sits in the front. Leaving me and Shiro at the back. The journey isn't too loud long and not long after I get in the car I am being dropped off at the store. I exit the car after thanking Karina and her mum. Suddenly, I feel a hand grasp round my wrist. "Wait, um, do you need any help?" Shiro asks. I laugh and reply, "I'm pretty sure I don't need someone to help me buy groceries." A frown spreads across his face. "But I guess it would be ok," I continue.

His face beams with joy and he scrambles out of the car. It leaves and we head into the shop. I grab a shopping basket and check the list, "We will need to get: milk, bread, rice, cereal, butter, some vegetables and ... cake? I bet Huni put that on." Shiro nods and starts searching for the food. I grab a variety of vegetables off the shelves and grab my favourite cereal.

I head to get the other stuff and Shiro seems to have it all. I hold out the basket and he places it in. "You ready to pay?" He asks, guiding me to the self checkout. I nod and begin scanning the food. I bet he wonders why I'm not complaining about people thinking that we are a couple; it's because no one from school is here so no one will remember the two of us and if they do they won't care.

I take the bag of food (after paying obviously) and we begin to head home. Now it's the part where we must separate. "See you tomorrow," I say waving goodbye.

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