Chapter 34: Threats

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Woah time flies. Does it not? Seems like just yesterday that we started the year and many things have changed since. 

And now there is a week of school left...there is a disco on Thursday which is after school till 6pm. You know, the school is trying to keep it all pg. And today is an early leave so we finish at 1pm.

"Mum I'm leaving" I say and shut the door behind me.

"Hey" I say to Mia who is outside my door and we both head off to school.

"This week better be fun, I swear" I say sighing before taking a step into the school.

As I step in the school, I see a big crowd gather around the field and I go over to see who it is but I can't see, since there are lots of people.

Like I care? 

I walk away from it slowly until Jake's friend Ariana rushes up to me.

"Hey you know that fight? Only you can stop it" She says.

"Um how?" I as curiously.

"Because Jake only listens to you" She tells me then pulls me.

Wait a min...


She pulls me through the crows until I get a full view of what was going on and it was Jake and this other guy fighting. I think his name is Justin.

"What the hell happened?" I shout.

"I don't know exactly but Justin apparently threatened Jake that he will do something to his sister or something like that I'm not sure" Someone in the same year as him told me.

"Oh my god" I start to get worried.

Jake can't get into trouble again. Especially because of me.

"Jake stop it now" I scream trying to pull the two apart.

"Let GO NOW" I shout.

They continue to fight and I start to get more worried.

"JAKE STOP THIS NOW" I shout at the top of my lungs as tears slowly drip down my eyes which are shut tightly.

I slowly open them and I see all eyes staring at me, the two idiots finally stop and Jake looks at me.

"What are you doing here?" he hugs me.

"Please stop" I whisper.

"I have, I'm sorry, really sorry Amy" he hugs me tighter.

"Idiot look what you've done to your face" I pull out the hug and scan his face.

"It's calm" he says waving it off.

"No one is going to marry you now" I laugh and he joins with me.

"Aw how sweet but remember what you have done Jake, because you won't get away with this" Justin says looking at me intensely.

Jake goes around me and soon his friends join him and Mason pulls me closer to him.

"Stay away from my sister" I hear him say.

Justin smirks and takes a glance of me and then goes closer to Jake's face.

"Or what? She's hot you know? I mean she's 15 now and I'm 16, we would make a good couple" He says.

What a idiot...

Jaiden punches him in the face and Jake grabs him from the collar and pulls him closer to his face.

"If you have a problem, it's with me. Do not and I repeat DO NOT GO ANYWHERE NEAR HER" Jake warns him and the both of them get on their feet and Justin smirks.

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