Ch. 6

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Kyle was confused once he saw the people smiling at the twins, a woman looking about Lee and Kyle's age came up, "My goodness they're absolutely precious! What's their names?" she asked twirling her hair in a flirtatious way. Kyle and Lee both blushed, amazed at how hot she looked.  While they were aware that their baby outfits were anything but attractive she still could've paid attention to them, not their "daddy".
"Lee and Kyle, there only about 9 months," the man explained grinning at the boys confusion. Kyle smirked once the girl looked to him and expected to be complimented on how brilliant he was, like she knew, but instead she pinched his cheeks baby talking to him.
"Ohhh aren't you two the cutest little things," she looked to Lee gently tickling him under the chin, "coochie coo, how cute," she gushed. The boys both squirmed with discomfort, Kyle looked over at Lee as the girl continued fussing over them like babies.
"Lee, what's going on?"
"I'm...I'm not sure Kyle," Lee answered pulling the pacifier from his mouth. "Daddy" just stood their grinning waiting for a chance to explain to his boys what exactly was going on. Eventually the girl stood up.
"They're so cute sir!!"
"Why thank you young lady, you have a fabulous day."
"You too! Bye little cutie-wooties," she cooed before walking away. "Daddy" chuckled as the twins looked up to him as best they could in a stroller.
"What the literal heck??" Kyle snapped upset that he had been babied and by an attractive woman.
"What can I say, I warned you, Kyle-Wyle, I can bend and turn reality any way I please. Now that.... She just saw you two just as what you are, literal babies. I'm gonna keep this enchantment on the rest of the stroll and hopefully you would have learned your lesson by the time we get home," he said popping a clean pacifier into Kyle's mouth and eased Lee's back into his mouth, "welcome to show business, lovelies."
Lee and Kyle looked to each other nervously as the stroll continued throughout town. They felt so awkward getting coos and other things by complete strangers but nothing was worse than the little boy and his mother.
"Mommy, mommy!!" a little boy looking no older than five cried. He had strawberry blonde hair, freckles on the bridge of his nose, and brown eyes, they could already tell by his age and the fact he was pointing at them would only mean trouble.
"What, Roderick, don't point sweetie, I'm so sorry about him," the mother apologized to "daddy".
"Oh no need to apologize, they're far too little to know what pointing means anyways. Would you like to see my little babies, Roderick?"
"Can I mommy, please?"
"Yes, since the nice man offered. Tell him thank you."
"Thank you!" the boy chirped before going over to the twins, "Aww! They're cute little babies. Mommy said when I was a baby I couldn't go potty by myself, can they?"
"Daddy" chuckled, "Nope, they're still using their little diadies, isn't that right little loves," the man cooed lovingly, Kyle rolled his eyes crossing his arms as he angrily chewed on the rubber part of the pacifier to stay calm. Lee looked down squirming around slightly just wanting to go home, "oh is daddy's little lovelies being shy?" he cooed encouraging them to talk which they knew but now, would be nonsense and baby babble to the child.
Kyle sighed pulling out his pacifier to talk clearly though knowing he wouldn't be understood, "I hate this so much I'm not even a baby, if anyone's a baby it is you little boy. I bet you haven't out grown wearing training pants to sleep, do you still suck your thumb too because news flash I don't."
"Hehe, they can't talk like us... Why not?"
"That's how all babies talk, it's called baby babble," the man explained to little Roderick who giggled.
"Babies are helpless huh?"
"Of course they are, but that's what makes them so cute, isn't that right sweeties. Oh yes it is, oh yes it is, yes, daddy's little helpless boys," he cooed, Roderick tilted his head.
"How come you talk that way to them?"
"They like it when people talk to them that way. It let's them understand what all the big adults are saying, they're to ity bity to get it on their own. Why don't you give it a try? I bet they'd love it," "Daddy" smirked as Kyle glared to him.
"How dare you tell a five year old, of all things, to baby talk to us. We are not babies!"
"Now, now Kyle, look at Roderick, he's very nice snookums-bookums-wookums."
Roderick giggled and attempted to baby talk to the twins the way "daddy" had, "Awen't you two so cute, vewy cute babies! Coochie coochie coo, umm.... Awe youw diapers still cwean? Do you like youw toys?" Roderick sighed not knowing what to say to them before another idea came to him. He covered his face for a few moments before uncovering it, "Peek-a-boo!!" Roderick giggled and did the same process a few times.
"Daddy" chuckled at the boy's red faces, "They also like it if you shake their rattles for them or make their little plushies kiss them."
This perked Roderick up as he grabbed a rattle and shook it in front of Lee and Kyle, "Here you go babies, do you like that? Pretty colors on a rattle huh? Really cute!" he chirped handing it to Lee afterwards. The small boy then grabbed a toy turtle and took turns gently pressing it to the twin's face, "Aww, Mr. Turtle loves you two, he's loves you lots!!"
Kyle growled having enough, "Stop!! We're not freaking ​babies, good grief! We're 22 year olds!!! We fight monsters, we deserve more respect than that!"
"Aww, sounds like he's getting grumpy," the mother said smiling as Roderick put the turtle with Kyle, "is it someone's nap time, hmm, does someone want a nappy?" "Daddy"  smirked at this.
"Oh yes, I think it is about their nappy time, go on babies, tell the nice people bye bye, say bye bye," he cooed. Lee groaned as Kyle sighed rolling his eyes, they simultaneously waved goodbye as "Daddy" grinned turning the stroller away to get home, "good job boys, wasn't that fun?"
"How wouwd dat be fun?"
"What my boys don't like being fawned over? Even though they're so cuuute."
"No!! Ectepictally by shtangers."
"I-it was embassing......" Lee mumbled struggling not to yawn.
"Well don't worry pumpkins, we'll be home soon then you boys can nappy and have baba..." he assured enthusiastically though the boys were anything but excited.
They arrived home sooner than the twin duo would've liked, "Here we are sweeties, now... Mmm...... Goo Goo Boy, how about you go first with bottle feeding today, hmm?"
Kyle sighed rolling his eyes, "I'd rather not.."
"Tough then boo," he said unbuckling Kyle. Lee frantically tried to escape the stroller, "It's child locked Lee-bug, wait until daddy's done with bubba, you like the stroller, don't you?" he called smirking slightly hearing Lee groan in embarrassment. He grabbed a bottle and sat down with Kyle.
"What nitwit?"
"Nice words Goo Goo Boy, now then... Did you learn your lesson?"
"Tsk, yeah, ok, that was embassing, I'll give you that but I highly doubt it's the worse you could do," Kyle was feeling rather cocky until a sharp pain on his rear, he yelled out surprised and whimpered.
"Do you want to see worse?"
"Hit me, freak!" he yelped again feeling a few more swats to his poor bottom. The last one hurt the most as he sniffled a bit.
"Know that you now get a spanking after baba time since you think daddy can't do worse to his baby. Embarrassment didn't work so I'll have to enforce it in another tactic," Daddy said warningly as he pushed the bottle tip into Kyle's mouth making him swallow the baby formula. Kyle's eyes narrowed angrily and squirmed around trying to get the bottle out of his mouth. "Daddy" sighed but kept his hold firm.
Once the bottle was empty, Kyle was shifted to be burped then laid over his daddy's lap. "This'll hurt me more than it hurts you, honey," Kyle shivered slightly as that was what his real father would always tell him when in this situation. Kyle yelped surprised feeling the first smack. He didn't seem too phased until about the sixth one. It seemed to hurt more than the other ones. The ones following it seemed to get harder and by the tenth one Kyle couldn't stop his sobs.

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