Chapter Thirty-One

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Kestrel and Seraiah snuck out the back entrance and into a deserted hallway. It was strangely quiet after the noise of the room they had left behind.

"When are you going to tell me where we're going?" Seraiah asked, as they hurried away from the courtiers.

"Yes, Kestrel, where are the two of you running off to?" Eryx asked, appearing in front of them to block their exit.

"None of your business, Eryx. Now, step aside," Kestrel ordered.

One brow rose. "Does Prince Kaimana know you're leaving with his special guest?" He moved slightly, leaving enough space for them to pass by if they wanted.

"No, and you aren't going to tell him, either. If you must know, we're going into the city to see the real Eostre celebration and not that stuffy one," Kestrel said, gesturing back the way they'd come.

To Seraiah's surprise, Eryx laughed. "I'll give you that one. The court's version of celebrating isn't exactly exhilarating."

"A bunch of preening and favor trading," Kestrel grumbled. "That's not a party."

"All the same, do you think it's a good idea to take her out of the castle?"

Kestrel tilted her head, her chin jutting out ever so slightly as she regarded him.

Seraiah hid a grin behind her hand. She'd seen Kestrel give Kai this look before and knew Eryx was in for it now.

"Since when do you question your superiors, Commander Eryx?" Kestrel's voice had sharpened, and no longer held that playful quality.

"Since my superior goes missing for months on end for no apparent reason," he responded.

Kestrel's eyes narrowed, but before she could respond, Seraiah jumped in. "If you are concerned for our safety, Commander Eryx, why don't you join us?"

Kestrel's glare turned on her, and she gave a slight shake of her head. Seraiah ignored her. If this kept up, they might stand here arguing all night, and then she'd never get to see this party Kestrel had been excited to attend.

Eryx pretended to think about it. "I suppose I could," he drawled.

"Well, I think it would be better served if you stayed here—where you are supposed to be," Kestrel said.

"Then I shall have to go inform Prince Kaimana of your disappearance." He took a few steps toward the ballroom.

Kestrel sighed. "All right, fine. You can come with us, but don't interfere with our fun."

"I am the fun," Eryx tossed over his shoulder.

Kestrel snorted and rolled her eyes. She thought she may have covered up the way she'd looked at Eryx, but Seraiah had seen it.

This should be a very interesting night, she thought as she followed the pair.

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