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He always wondered who was on the other end of the line.

Sometimes he felt bad for them by the way she shouted but mostly, he thought they were lucky.

Beautiful, hard working girls like her only came once in a lifetime. They were never forgotten or ignored.

Once in a while, she would be talking to a friend or relative on the phone when she passed by him and he'd catch a hint of her honest voice. It was smooth and silvery, which was incredibly rare.

  He lifted his head at the sound of the clickety-clack of her heels, her voice accompanying it. She wore another black dress but more skin tight, a long white vest, and black pointed heels. Her hair, as always, was in the same retro bob.

  Gorgeous and graceful.

  "Look, Cleo, you're an amazing assistant. You know that and I know that. But people on the board don't. You need to show them that you're valuable, alright?" she said calmly on the phone but her eyes were shining in a fiery silence.

  "Cleo, " he whispered to himself. She had an assistant. His theory of how important she was only increased.

  She slowed down once she crossed the street, giving him more time to listen. "You'll be fine, Cleo. You just show them what you can do like you show me everyday. Trust me."

  Before she disappeared from his line of sight, he caught a glimpse of a smile on her face.

  Almost instantly, he smiled too.

The Homeless BoyWhere stories live. Discover now