To Forget The Past: V

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"Everest?" The voice sounded miles away and only getting further. I felt my body being shook, but my eyes wouldn't open. "Everest!"

Snapping my eyes open I threw my body up, sitting in the bed now. Breathing heavily, I could feel the bit of sweat on my forehead and back. "Everest," The person's voice was gentle, concern flooded in it. A hand rested on the bottom of my chin, pushing up to make me look at the dark silhouette.


The light coming from the window cast a dim lighting onto the person's face, showcasing their bright green eyes. Kane. My breath was unsteady as tears pricked at my eyes, threatening to spill. "Who's Aaron?" Silence filled the room as I let the question go unanswered. "Are you alright?"

A soft cry made its way up my throat. Why did everyone have to ask that? Immediately Kane's arms were wrapped around my figure, slightly uncomfortable from me being taller than him. Nevertheless, I let my body rest into him, letting out soft, painful cries into his shoulder.

"Hey, hey," His voice was soft, like how my dad's voice was when talking about my 'problem'. "You're going to be okay." I pushed back, sitting only a few inches from Kane while I sniffed every few seconds, wiping tears that stained my face. Why did so many people tell me that, yet I never believed them?

I nodded my head, agreeing, knowing if I argued it wouldn't turn out good; it never did. Looking down at the covers of the bed, my hair fell shielding my eyes. Kane's hand reached out, moving my long plum auburn hair over my ear, causing me to snap my eyes up to his. Gazing into the green forest sitting in front of me, stretching out for miles, feeling as if I explored them I'd get lost in the deep forest forever; but maybe that's not a bad thing.

I breathed in deeply, just now noticing the closeness of our bodies, shifting back, pushing my spine against the wall behind me. I looked down at my hands fidgeting with each other, picking at the skin around my nails until they started to bleed. "We can talk about this in the morning," Kane whispered. Lifting himself off of my bed, slowly dragging his body to his and plopped down on it, turning his back towards me.


Opening my eyes I groaned loudly, shutting them tightly from the amount of light shining into the room. Slowly peaking through my eyelids, I sat up in bed, groaning from having to wake up, slightly muttering under my breath about the brightness.

"Wow, you really are not a morning person, are you?" I snapped my head to the direction of the voice that was slightly chuckling. Landing on Kane I rolled my eyes, annoyed and threw a pillow at him as hard as possible--because its definitely going to make it hurt. He laughed, slightly tipping his head back. "I'll take that as a no." Throwing him a glare I sat upright and crossed my legs as if it were kindergarten. Kane's amused expression dropped, almost just as fast as my grades did.

Sitting up straight, ready for the "deep conversation"; things I somehow always managed to get myself into.

"What happened last night?"

Why did everyone I talk to always sound so concerned for me like they actually cared or something stupid like that?

I played dumb, fusing my eyebrows together, really not wanting to talk about it. "What are you talking about?" This only made Kane look even more concerned, and I could tell he felt scared. Not of me, but for me.

He handed me a sarcastic look, letting me know he wouldn't drop this. I sighed loudly, still not speaking. Kane mimicked my position, sitting on his bed across the room, crossing his legs, staring at me. "Everest..." he looked up from the ground, his eyes held a number of emotions, ones I couldn't even pinpoint. Snapping my eyes to the floor, avoiding his eye contact as much as possible. "You woke up crying" Kane's voice came out a low whisper, cracking in the middle. Why did he seem so sad? He barely knows me.

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