Chapter 46

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Ramsey waited in the courtyard, he had sent his guards to fetch Sansa for him. He hadn't seen her since she had lost the baby. Theon had told her how she wasn't eating, he needed her alive. Without her giving him an heir his rule could be challenged. He saw her approaching, her face showed no expression.

She came to his side waiting for him to speak. "My dear wife, how I've missed you" he placed a kiss on her lips. "Our loss is too great, we shall not speak of it". It took every will in Sansa not to correct him and tell him how it wasn't his loss, how after all this time she had been carrying Jamie's child. Before he had taken that away from her.

Sansa looked around at all the men, they seemed as though they were preparing for something. She could sense how anxious everyone seemed. She glanced over to Lord Umber and Lord Karstark, their faces were pale, they looked sick with fright.

"What's happening?" She asked, Ramsey had followed her eyes. "There is to be a battle, it seems our rule on the North is being challenged, but once they are defeated, no one will dare to challenge us as the Lord and Lady of the North". Sansa's eyes widened at the news, "Who?" Her words came out quickly.

Ramsey seemed irritated with her questions, "you will find out, I'll bring the traitors heads to you" her mind thought of Stannis, he had heard of his claims to the iron throne, perhaps he was trying to take the North. "You should return to your chambers, I will come to you once I return" he placed another kiss on her lips before nodding to his guards.


Sansa paced backwards and forwards in her room, if only her room wasn't locked she would have a chance to escape. Her fate laid with Stannis, if he defeated Ramsey she would turn against her husband. She saw her own value of being a Stark, she would be useful to Stannis, ensuring her survival. But if he didn't defeat Ramsey, nothing would change she would continue to be trapped here.

It had been hours since they had left for battle, Sansa ached to find out what was happening.


Jon stopped for a moment, he was soaked in blood. looking across the battle field, all the bodies lying across the moors of Winterfell, a place where he had once played as a child. It didn't take too long for the Bolton army to soon see their eventual defeat, even with the Umbers and Karstarks they didn't stand a chance against them. It hadn't taken them long to surrender, some of them fled.

"Jon" he heard a voice behind him shout. He turned to see Jamie, he was surprised that Jamie had joined in the fighting, he presumed he would sit on his horse commanding his men, but his sword was stained with Bolton blood. "We need to find Ramsey, we can't let him escape." Jon nodded, the two of them headed towards Winterfell, they had won the battle, but Sansa was still not safe.


Sansa heard a scramble at the door, she grabbed the knife off the tray of food Theon had left her. She held it out in front of her, whoever it was, Baratheon or Bolton, she was not going to meet them unarmed. The door soon swung open, revealing Ramsey she quickly dropped the blade with instinct with seeing his face. Her heart dropped when she saw him.

She had never seen him like this before, his face no longer resembled his smug arrogance. It was fear she saw in him. He grabbed her by the arm, roughly pulling her along the corridor with him.

"What's happening, where are you taking me?" Sansa continued asking more and more questions, to which she received no answers.

The cold air nipped at Sansa's skin, Ramsey continued towards the broken tower. Sansa was bewildered, she couldn't understand what he was doing. He continued dragging her up the stairs of the broken tower, pulling her by her hair.

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