Chapter 37

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At long last!!! Rock Prodigy update!!! I guess now's about time to give you guys a little warning; IT'S ALMOST DONE.

Maybe you already knew, you little psychic individuals...

Anyway, hope you like it my little friends who must be MAD at me for never uploading.

I have brain issues.


Chapter 37

I floated on a cloud down the narrow hallways, taking us towards the back of the arena where our bus waited. The whole band was a mess of barely contained energy and nerves thanks to the amazing performance.

Even the sight of Francis and Dom just inside the set of doors that would take us out to the parking lot didn’t lessen my high. Right now, it didn’t matter that Dom was less than pleased with me or that Francis’ eyes were lit with greed, obviously seeing dollar signs instead of people when he looked at us. All that mattered was that I was with my band, my family, and we’d put our everything into that performance.

“Great show guys,” Dom said, leaning against the wall. I grinned harder, the smile having never really left my face since I’d come off the stage. “Loved the energy and the crowd adored you. But some shows aren’t going to be this easy, you’re going to be tired and sick of the bus but you need to make every performance like that one, got it?”

“No problem,” Troy said, giving Dom a thumb’s up and a confident grin, his body practically vibrating with energy.

The rest of us just nodded as his eyes shifted over each of us, settling for an extra long moment on me before moving over to Francis. “Good. Francis will be around for a few of your gigs so if you need anything ask him. Other than that, you’ll have your road crew who will be in the other bus and Mike will be with them. The bus outside,” he gestured to the doors behind him, “belongs to you guys and Jenna. It’s brand new so be nice. If I find any damages, it’s coming out of your paycheque.”

Francis and Dom shared a look before Francis opened the door and waved a hand at us, gesturing for us to follow him. “Come on, I’ll give you the tour.”

I shared a look with the rest of the guys, seeing the star struck looks on their faces, knowing I was wearing a similar expression. We all moved towards the doors together, Dan and Mac fighting to get on the bus first while Troy raced behind them.

I laughed, unable to help myself because all three of them managed to cram themselves into the doorway before finally breaking through.

I had to hold my side because I was laughing so hard which slowed me down a bit.

Obviously, Dom saw this as an opportunity. “Rose,” he said, his tone no longer as open and friendly as it had been moments before. “Can I have a word with you?”

I blinked at the guys, seeing Mac glance over his shoulder at me, his steps faltering as he realized I wasn’t following. “I’ll be right there,” I said, giving him a reassuring smile and letting the door close with me still inside. I turned towards Dom, feeling some of my excitement from the night flow from me at the hard look on his face.

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