Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


Miranda Bonham


“I am Prince Nixon Edington,” he said.

I looked at him, trying to figure out if he was lying.

“If you are really a prince, then what are you doing out here?” I asked, waving my arms around the room.

“Where is your ‘kingdom’” I asked, in a mocking tone.

“My father, King Luther, is the ruler of The Island of Wolves. I was sent here to capture your father- along with other Wolves- for treason.”

I was hearing his words, but I couldn’t understand them. To me, they made no sense.

“What did my dad do? Where is that Island? How come I’ve never heard of it before?” I took a few steps away from him, suddenly feeling claustrophobic.

“When I got here, I wasn’t expecting your dad to have his own pack. He made himself an Alpha, and got other Wolves to follow him. Miranda, that’s against the law,” Nixon said, his voice sounding angry. I could hear the urgency in his voice- willing me to believe him.

Everything he was saying was- unbelievable. Why would my dad do that? I wanted to trust what Nixon was saying. My Wolf was telling me to listen to him. But, if Nixon was right- that meant all my life had basically been a lie.

“How do I know that what you are saying is true?” I asked him, holding to the last bit of hope I had left.

“You should listen to what your Wolf is telling you. What does she say? Am I lying, or not?”

“What you just said doesn’t make any sense. You are actually expecting me to believe that you are a prince? That my father is a traitor? Do you have any idea how much my father has helped the people from our pack?” I yelled, feeling angry by his words. Nixon seemed to back off, but he was still looking mad.

“He didn’t have to help them. All they had to do was go to The Island, and we would’ve taken care of them. Instead, they chose to come and follow a false leader- one that has only led them to trouble.”

I remained silent, not knowing how to respond to his comment.

“Why is it so bad? If my dad is helping them, shouldn’t you be happy?” I asked Nixon.

Wasn’t that the point of a king, or a prince, or anyone with a rank? They were there for the people.

“Yes, it is partly good that at least he is helping them. But he shouldn’t have to help them if they came to us before. Right now, only a few Wolves are following your father around, like if he really deserved an Alpha title. That doesn’t mean we are going to forget about what he did,” Nixon said, his voice sounding so serious, it made me shiver.

“What do you mean?” I asked, even though I was sure I didn’t want to know. From the expression Nixon was wearing now, I was assuming the worse.

“Your father, along with a few other Wolves sneaked into The Island and attacked us. Thirty Wolves died that day.”

I looked at him, my eyes getting watery by his words. I was sure he could see the effect it was having on me.

“Out of those thirty Wolves- fourteen were women and children,” Nixon finished saying.

The dam in my eyes seemed to break lose as the tears spilled out. My father would never do that. One thing was for my dad to possibly have attacked that place that Nixon talked about. But he would never kill women or little kids.

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