Bartender and messages

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Thanks for all of the birthday wishes :D You guys are so sweet and thanks for the endless support.

Goal is down below

Axel's Pov:

"Why did you fall for such a girl?" I blamed Mitchell as we entered a club following Sophia and Bless. 

"Are you falling for phia?" Mitchell asked making me huff in annoyance why is he asking such nonsensical questions? I may be protective and caring of her, I may admire her physically and even love the  goody two shoes in her but I am not falling, right? I still have lingering feelings for Liza, My blond with very bright blue eyes. Those same feeling made me kiss her senseless last night. Yet why did Sophia pop in my mind a lot. Why did I start comparing Sophia's kisses to those of Liza? Why did it feel like I was really cheating on my real wife? My heart pounded hurtfully most of the time. My hands sweat as if what I am doing is wrong by all standers. To make things worse, I even pictured Sophia kissing me back at some point and that made the kisses deeper, more intense and passionate...But once again why do I even get overprotective of her when she is not mine...Is it because I care or am I really falling for Gem? 

"Bless is such a brat." I commented with hatred avoiding my brother's troubling question

"So you cannot deny the fact that you love Phia?" Mitchell teased yet his voice echoed with seriousness. I know he is just caring for his best friend. 

"Love? That's a big word." I sarcastically answered as we continued on looking around for the girls.

The club was not that full of people. It was rather empty. Few people were dancing while others just sat on their chairs. Looking around for a short brunette in a deep luring red dress should be the easiest task in hand but here am I failing pathetically. My eyes roamed around as we walked in different directions but there was no Gem and no stupid Bless.

"Dammit, where are they?" I questioned grunting my teeth how the hell did they disappear when they were just laughing and talking a few steps away from us.

"Bless might have found a friend." Mitchell suggested and his face went a shade whiter. This idiot is in love but he still does not know it.

"You are falling for her." I informed seeing my brother's eyes double in size

"No, we are just casual bed bodies." Mitchell argued like a kid 

"And following her while going pale and fearful is casual ?" I sarcastically replied seeing him locking his jaw sharply

"Ok, so I might like her but at least I am man enough to say it." Mitchell finally grumbled at me and dared me to reply

"I like Gem too but not in such a way." I argued back denying all

"Liar." Mitchell yelled as he left me alone and started walking away

"Axel? Mitchell?" a manly voice echoed from behind me but I cannot put a name on such tone. As I turned around the bartender who was just ending his shift walked to us. I kept on trying to remember from do I know him, his name , or any damned information about him

"Yes?" I asked giving up

"Do we know you?" Mitchell asked or yelled annoyed 

"Your ladies do." The bartender replied and my body and that of Mitchell turned rigid as our attention was focused on the now twenty something smirking man "Must say they are both so sweet and sexy." He continued and in a nanosecond my fists were ready, my knuckles were white and just wanted to knock the life out of him

"How do you know who our ladies are?" I yelled at the man taking a step forward to punch him if he said anything else wrongly. Is this mere childish possessiveness my mind questioned silently? Why am I ready to get in a fight for  Gem?

"Sophia Lewis and Blessing Gorman?" The bartender easily replied throwing me a mischievous smirk 

"Williams." I corrected hardly

"What?" The man looked amused but a bit lost

"Sophia Williams. Mrs. Williams." I explained still with the same harsh tone and watched the man in front of me burst in laughter 

"Sophia said that you will correct her and the blond kept on saying that you just have insane tantrums of possessiveness over her poor friend." the man explained with a grin making me see only red. Why did Sophia talk to him? 

"Just tell us what you need." Mitchell ordered as he finally stepped out of his silent position 

"They gave me two paper messages, one to each of you." The bartender said as he took two papers out of his jacket pocket "Here you go guys and good luck." He laughed a bit again then walked away shaking his head, What is so funny about our situation, I couldn't help but question.

"My paper says " Aw so sweet Mitchy, Thanks for following us." and it is signed by Bless. She even kissed the paper. See! She is teasing me. She knows that I hate her games. What a girl!" Mitchell exclaimed but more or so to himself 

"Mine says." I started to flip the paper open " it says " Take Mitchy and go back home Al. Ps: we already left the club so just give up." I read with bewilderment so they sent us the bartender so they can escape? Where are they now and what if they go to another club with more people? What if they meet other guys? What if someone plays Sophia then breaks her heart? If anyone puts a finger on her they are dead...My minds kept on shouting some not so colorful curses as I tried to call Sophia's phone but it went to voice mail. She just escaped me and is totally avoiding me!

"I am going home." Mitchell said with defeat 

"I am going to find Gem. " I roared 

"You cannot just search the town inch by inch...Those girls are clever so let them be. I mean look at us we were played very easily by both of them." Mitchell huffed 

"We can outsmart them...We have to find them. Imagine if other guys approach them. Would you like to lose your crush?" I tried to evoke him so he will help me searching around

"If Bless likes a guy she will just go for it, with or without my acceptance." Mitchell argued while his head hung low but his hands were shaped in fists and his knuckles white as snow

"Well I am going to look for Gem. She is married and un allowed to go for anything but me." I informed leaving him 

"Maybe I can search with you for an hour." Mitchell offered following my steps

"That's the spirit." I encouraged hoping deep down to find the girls

"Axel, what if Gem finds the right guy?" Mitchell asked as we started to drive around looking in each club and shop

"She will meet no one." I denied feeling anger rising again in me

"How are you so sure?" Mitchell pressured again

"I went to Liza's last night." I tried to change the topic

"To make Gem jealous. To revenge for my fake date with her." Mitchell cleared saying exactly the reasons that stormed in my head 

"Why would I want to make her jealous?" I asked playing as if I didn't know

"Because you Like if not love her." Mitchell informed and I couldn't but stay silent. After all, all is possible, especially loving Gem. She is just nice, kind, sweet, beautiful, warm, positive, loving, caring and all. Any guy would be lucky to have her but Is this how Love works? 


You guys are totally awesome :D

thanks again ^_^

if anyone can create a more professional cover to this book it will be so appreciated. I having troubles with the cover and need your help :D  

Goody Two Shoes #Wattys2017Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz