Chapter TWO

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Chapter TWO

<third person pov> [every chapter is a third person POV. If not, will be specified :)]


It was obvious for a person to jolt with anger if a ball hit him square on the face. And was the reason how it had happened.

Nate Moore, the football team captain wanted nothing to do with people passing by the football field in the school's ground. He just wanted to train his team mates and to win in the next football season that wasn't too far away. Nate was downright, totally, utterly and completely a jock of the school.

A popular one.

He sure did have clashes with other popular guys. Especially the badass guys of the school. When he thought there was nothing to do with the people passing by the ground, he wrong. His eyes caught the sight of one of the equally popular guy-- Adam Brown. One of the main reasons why he hated Adam was that once Adam had stolen his girlfriend in the 8th grade.


He didn't wanna keep any grudge on Adam because the poor guy at that time didn't even know about it. But looking at Adam he always felt jealous. Girls swooned over him and Nate hated it.

With the football in his hands, and Adam and his friend walking right a few miles away, Nate had only one thought. One will to do. He wanted to show his aiming and kicking skills.

So, he dodged the ball down to his feet and kicked it hard with Adam as the goal. He let out a loud laughter, which sounded like a dying bison, when the ball flung right past the field and hit Adam. And boy was he feeling pleased with himself. But the next thing he knew, he was being shoved to the ground by an extremely pissed off/ angry Adam, who looked ready to murder five goats.

"You son of a--" Adam growled, loud enough for the whole school to shake. But it didn't though. It was just where all the team members who were in the field gasped and gulped at the view. On the other hand, Nate was feeling close to the earth. That was for obvious.

But he stood up anyways, shoving Adam back because he wasn't less than any beast. Or that he thought so.

Adam was beyond triggered and everyone knew that now, not even god himself could save Nate. Adam straight away launched himself on Nate, causing him to lose balance and stumble backward. There was Hailey too, present a few feet far from the raging dogs, looking at them like world war III was on.

Hailey when observing too clearly found out that Adam's eyebrow had busted open where the ball hit, she knew that it was the right time to interrupt the fight. Not by herself, no because she wasn't any better than playing table pool game. So she called Claire. The one who took that boxing classes a month ago and is still trying to practice. Maybe real situations can help her boost her potential.

There was a point when Nate was choking Adam, pushing him hard against the ground as Adam's face turned bright red and held onto Nate's arm harshly, trying to pull away because he couldn't breathe.

Then, there were people gathering around them, chanting names and what not.

And in no time there was a huge crowd yelling and cheering at the scene. Adam kicked Nate off of him sitting up straight gently and sighing in relief. He knew that the game was on. But he was losing so miserably. Adam attacked with a huff, knocking Nate to the dusty ground. He grumbled some incoherent words under his breath.

Hailey met up with Claire within a few minutes from when she had called.

"You gotta do stop this shit right now. Adam's not in his best state." Hailey muttered, jamming her thumb in the air to motion to the fight taking place.

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