Fight to the Finish {Chapter Two}

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Hey guys! So, I'm watching this one cheerleading movie, and it's confusing / scaring the crap out of me . . . Lol.

So here is chappie twoooo! I hope you guys like it! 

I have, like, no idea where to go with this story . . . So yeah, I'm winging it. Because I'm winging it, I hope it makes sense and it's at least a little good! =P 

Again, I hope it doesn't suck . . . Prim's goat cheese? 

Never mind. 

Just pretend I didn't say that. 


Chapter Two 

"Well, well. It seems we have another volunteer . . . for the volunteer," Effie said awkwardly. 

People turned to look at me. The cameras turned to look at me. Everything it seemed was now looking in my direction. I could feel my grandmother's eyes burning into the back of my head. I gulped. 

"Well," Effie said. "Come on up!" 

I couldn't move. I couldn't. I just couldn't. What did I just do?

Just when I was wishing that a black hole would swallow me up, my feet started to move. I felt like I wasn't in control of them at all; they seemed to be moving on their own. Before I knew it, I was on the stage, standing next to Effie Trinket. 

A spotlight blinded me, the cameras were still on me, and a microphone was shoved into my face. I started sweating. 

"Why, hello there," Effie said merrily. "What's your name?" 

"Gemma Livingston."

"Okay. Gemma, why did you volunteer? Is this young lady over here your friend?"

Katniss looked over at me curiously. This question wasn't just for Effie, the Capitol, or the audience. It was also for Katniss. Nobody knew what I was going to say, including me. My mind raced. I had no idea what to say. 

"Yes! She's my best friend," I blurted, and immediately scolded myself. I need to stop saying things before thinking them through

"Oh!" Effie exclaimed. "Well, we have two volunteers! Which one should I choose?" 

Katniss and I looked at each other. She wiped her hands on her dress, probably getting the sweat off. I started shaking even more.

"Eenie, meenie, miney, you," Effie said, pointing at . . . me. 

"Me?" I asked. 

"Yes, you!" 


"Now, Katniss, off the stage please!" 

"No," Katniss whispered fiercely. 

"Katniss," I whispered back. "You have to." 


"Yes," interrupted Effie. Katniss and I blushed as we realized the microphone had broadcasted our whispers to everyone that was watching.

Effie looked at Katniss expectingly. "Go . . ."  

Katniss looked like she was about to say something, but decided not to at the last minute. She walked off of the stage slowly. When she was back on the ground, Prim ran over to her. Katniss picked her up and hugged her. 

The situation that I was just placed in didn't dawn on me yet. I was too happy that I'd let a family still stay a family. Katniss had friends and family that cared about her. I only had my grandmother, who only cares about me getting married so she can get the house to herself soon. I looked over at Grandmother. She was shaking her fist at the sky happily. Yeah, I wouldn't be missed. 

"Now," Effie said dramatically. "Time for the boys!" 

She walked over to the container and pulled out a name quickly. She held up her microphone. "Mason Christopher!" 

Everybody turned to look at Mason. His face was chalk white. He looked scared, which was strange, since I'd never seen him scared. Ever. He was usually the one to scare people. He was a jerk, a very mean guy, an idiot, and a jerk. Did I say he was a jerk yet? If you couldn't tell, I hated him. 

He started walking out of the crowd very carefully. Once he was on the stage, Effie forcefully grabbed my right hand and held my arm up in the air. She did the same to Mason's left arm.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" she announced. "The tributes for District 12!" 

The situation finally came rushing to me at her words. I was going to die... I was going to die.

I looked over at Mason again. 

We were going to die. 


So, did it suck? Lol. I hope not. I wrote this late at night, SO APPRECIATE IT! Haha. 

This chapter is dedicated to @Lizzymswan for telling me to update! It was awesome having someone tell me to do that for one of my stories . . . other than my friends of course. :) 

Anyway, thanks for reading guys! 

Love you! 


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