Chapter Twenty: A Tea Party in Buckingham Palace

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"Sir," a police officer to D.I Carter, "a phone call for you."

The D.I took the phone and held it to his ear. "Carter," he said.

"Have you heard of Sherlock Holmes?" Lestrade said on the other end, feet kicked up on his desk.


"Well, you're about to meet him now." Lestrade said, "This is your case. It's entirely up to you. This is just friendly advice, but give Sherlock five minutes on your crime scene and listen to everything that he has to say. And as far as possible, try not to punch him."

A car pulled up alongside the crime scene, its tyres scarping along the gravel, and sending plumes of grey, cloudy dust into the air. Carter glanced down at the phone in his hand, eyebrows furrowed, and biting the inside of his lip. He waved a young sergeant forward to inspect the car and its passenger. Carter rarely, if ever, received calls from Lestrade. It made Carter wonder how important this Sherlock Holmes fellow was if it forced Lestrade to call him.

"Sir," said the young sergeant, stepping away from the car, "this gentleman says he needs to speak to you."

"Yes, I know." Carter nodded, walking towards the car. "Sherlock Holmes."

John stepped out of the car, "John Watson." he corrected, still miffed that Sherlock hadn't shown up. The doctor took Carter's hand and shook it, "Are you set up for Wi-Fi?"

There were four large stacks of paper piled atop Amelia's desk, each taller than the last. She stared at them for a moment, and let out a heavy sigh. She'd gone to lunch, and when she had returned, the papers were there with a note reading:

Have fun.

- MH.

Even John could have figured out who had sent the message, but as Amelia did not currently have her car-Sherlock had managed to puncture the tyres and shatter the windshield, and it was currently getting repaired-and her office was a good two hour walk from Buckingham Palace, which was where Amelia imagined Mycroft to be. He did enjoy hovering around as though he were some sort of vulture, and the hushed words spoken within Buckingham Palace was practically Mycroft's food. Sherlock constantly made jabs about Mycroft's weight, but Amelia had never, not once, seen Mycroft consume anything besides water, brandy, or tea. Perhaps, after all of Sherlock's remarks, he'd become too self-conscious.

Amelia swore to herself that she would talk with Sherlock once she returned to Baker Street.

"Monica," said Amelia, ringing her secretary.

"Yes, Ms Watson?" Monica answered. "How may I help you?"

"Please remind me to punch Mycroft Holmes the next time I see him."

Monica stifled a giggle, "Of course, Ms Watson."

"Thank you, that'll be all." Amelia hung up on her secretary, holding her head in her hands tiredly.

Truth be told, Amelia wasn't quite sure what Sherlock did when she was gone. She wondered if he moped around all day, like Two did as he waited for Amelia to come home. At the thought of the dog, she began to worry about him. Surely Sherlock wouldn't preform any experiments on him while Amelia was at work, although it wouldn't be unlike Sherlock to do so; she would have Sherlock's head if he'd done anything to Two.

But now the thought was in her head, she began to wonder: what did Sherlock do while she was gone?

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