Chap 23

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He's been gone for two weeks now and every time I ask Dom where he was all I got back was that

"He he's sick."

I don't believe a single word that comes out of that guy's mouth. He's hiding something from me and I'm going insane with worry. Something inside me just wants Liam near; in plain sight so I know that he's all right. Him being gone so long is started to make me grow gray hair, I swear I found one this morning after my shower.

"Aiden! Aiden!" Jeanine came running down the hall screaming like the headless horsemen was after her. She came crashing in my arms and I tried my best to catch her.

"What, what happened!? Are you alright?" I fired at her worried that something was wrong. She had the biggest smile on her face and I visibly relaxed.

"I'm great! Guess what!?" She said jumping up and down. I couldn't keep the smile from my lips at her happiness. I shook my head,


"Dom asked me out!!" She screamed giving me a huge hug. I was happy for her but I couldn't stop the feelings of jealousy.

"Omg J that's awesome!" I exclaimed.

I liked Dom, he would be good for her... I mean he better be good to her! Or I'll chop his nads off!

"I know right, I think he could be the one." she sighed starry eyes. I laughed at how love struck she was.

"Well I hope he is." she nodded furiously making her hair shake all over the place.

"He's waiting for me outside, so I'll talk to you later." She squeaked throwing me a whole bunch of dorky thumbs up signs. I nodded watching her practically skip down the hall shoving people out of her way. I shook my head and reached in my locker to grab my bag. Slamming it shut I turned to leave and nearly jumped out of my skin. Yelping I jumped back placing my hand over my crazy beating heart. I glared up at Liam as his shoulder was leaning against the locker next to mine. His arms crossed and his posture was cool as a winter breeze.

"Hey" he said casually. My eyes widened in bewilderment,

"Hey?" I countered. "Hey?! That's all you have to say to me?!" I yelled causing nosey people to turn our way. He lowered his eyes guiltily. Looking back up his hazel eyes were filled with so much emotion I couldn't find it me to be mad for long. Shaking my head I had to get it out of here.

"Where have you been?" I said hissed through gritted teeth glaring up at him trying to keep my anger fueled. He sighed his shoulders slumped,

"I'm sorry" he whispered. I shook my head.

"Sorry? I haven't- you-" I couldn't get anything out I was so mad. My breathing was heavy. He opened his mouth ready to say something but closed it aback up. His eyes were focused on the ground darting left to right as if he was thinking about what to say or do.

"Aiden, I want you to come with me." he finally said letting out a long sigh. I raised my brow at him,

"Come with you? Why would I do that?" I snapped.

"Please." his hazel eyes pleading. I didn't say anything for a while just stared at him.

'Should I go?' I thought.

"If I go you better answer some of my questions." he nodded eagerly. Leading me to his car, I got in taking out my phone and texting my dad that I would be home later.

-Ok- dad said.

We were driving down a long rode lined by trees when he took a turn on a hidden rode. I kept giving him skeptical looks from the corner of my eyes. Was he taking me all the way out here to kill me or something? When the car came to a stopped I noticed the breathtaking view of a sparking lake in the middle of a large beautiful green forest of trees. He got out as did I but a little hesitantly.

All It Took Was One Look (BoyxBoy) {Book1: Blue Moon Series}[Sample](On Amazon!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora