XLIV • 44

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Your POV:

John was still in your flat when you finally decided to ask him again.
"John, what should I do about Sebastian?" You looked up at him quizzically, but with a mixture of fear and confusion in your eyes.
"I really don't know, (N/N). I would never have assumed Jim to be the kind of person he was. But it's true that a psychopath is often the most charming. So just," He paused, trying to come up with the best way to word his thoughts. "Be careful."
"Okay. Thanks." You responded, quietly.

After he'd left, you retrieved the crumpled paper from your jeans pocket and gazed at the number, hurriedly written in pencil.
After a moments thought, you picked up your phone.
You decided to text him rather than call. You'd always preferred that anyway.


You sent the simple greeting and turned your phone off.
He replied sooner than you'd expected, your phone notifying you of his response only a minute later.

Hey. (F/N)?

You chuckled to yourself.

Yeah, sorry, I'm a little scatter brained sometimes.

You sent this one with a smile, and his response came in before you could even turn your screen off.

No worries, we all are. What's up?

You pondered over this for a moment, not sure if you wanted to tell him the truth or not. Finally, you made up your mind.

Just thinking about my friend again.

You figured you'd be honest. After all, he had reason to understand.

Ah. Do you want to go somewhere, talk about it?

This surprised you. You realised with a start that he'd just invited you on a date, no matter how low key it had been. You hesitated in replying. You had told Zak no without even thinking twice about it. He'd been really nice too. But somehow this seemed different.
Maybe it was because Sebastian had approached it from the standpoint of a concerned friend rather than flat out asking you on a date, but this seemed harmless.
You glanced at your clock, seeing that it was already 8:00 PM.

Sure. It's late, do you want to come here or just wait till tomorrow?

You hesitated for only a moment before sending this.
Nothing would happen. He was only coming to talk.
Despite this, you couldn't help but be relieved when he responded;

It is later than I thought. Why don't we talk over your lunch break tomorrow?

That sounded much better. You silently thanked him. It just seemed weird to have a man you'd only met twice over in your flat at night.

Okay. See you then.

You smiled a little. You were glad he was a listening ear.


Your alarm startled you awake. You'd been having a good dream about Sherlock for the first time since he'd fallen. It had started much the same way as your nightmare, but it hadn't ended badly.
You turned off your alarm and sat up in bed, staying there for a few moments while you thought about the dream. He had come back, and you hadn't been upset at him- you resolved that if he ever came back for real, you would act the same way- and life had gone back to normal.
You smiled despite the fact that waking up had caused a wave of depression.
You got out of bed and shuffled toward the kitchen. You had made a daily habit of dwelling on the good things you remembered about Sherlock to ease your bouts of anger and depression.
As you made your breakfast and ate it, you thought about how confused he'd been when you'd sarcastically asked if he was offering to be one half of your first romantic relationship. How confused he still was when you'd actually begun to pursue a relationship with him. You smiled when you thought about how he was a proper genius but still clueless when it came to social interaction and normal human behaviour. But he really had tried, for you.

You finished up your breakfast and got in the shower.
You left your flat just in time to see John rushing down the stairs to leave for work as well.
"Bye Johnny. Have a good day." You said, grabbing your coat
"You too." He replied with a gentle smile.
"Don't you mean 'Du auch'?" You said with a teasing grin.
He rolled his eyes and shook his head, then gave you a hug. "And (F/N), again, be careful."
"I will." You gave him a reassuring smile. "Goodbye."
"Bye sis."

You looked at the coat in your hands, then hung it up, taking Sherlock's off your hook instead. You preferred that. Sure, it wasn't exactly practical since it was nearly as long as you were tall and was far too large for you, but it comforted you and it kept you warm.
You walked to work, your hands buried in its pockets, your head down. You struggled to continue dwelling on the good things, your depression creeping back in.

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