Please forgive me

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I have no words...I know it's been a long time since I've updated anything but I've been so caught up in life and so many... well far to many drama, from my gay BFF to my I think now ex-bestfriend, to family pushing and pulling on me to no ends.

Sheez really does happen. *sighs*

So glad to let you know that I am pressing a temporary pause on my dramatic life for now and will be back to bring you fresh updates. I was hoping to start next week but fingers crossed cause it might be earlier that than.

On another note, I swear I freaked the cheese out (sorry about that but I made a bet to one of my friends that I would stop cursing so here goes nothing)
I totally flipped out when I opened Wattpad today only to find that Surviving Kontantine came out third in the Undiscovered writers awards, like I seriously couldn't believe it. It really shows that when you take a chance or a leap then anything is possible.

Thank you to all of you who have been reading, voting and commenting on every update...yes even you my lovely silent readers.

I will try and see what I can do to make up for my long absence..... a double update perhaps *wink wink, nudge nudge*

Have a blessed day or night or inbetween.

Love you always guys.


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