#7 The arrangement

436 19 2

Tiffany's POV

I checked my reflection from the wall mirror, everything was in its place, I smiled proudly at my look. A pearl colored dress fell under my knees, I wore matching high heels, and white pearl choker, with matching earnings. My make up was simple but also somehow powerful, I didn't overdo the eyeshadow, but my dark lip was enough.

I looked elegant. Not my cup of tea but that's what Jennifer and dad wanted me to wear. It was also my mother's dress, so I didn't mind.

"A family will visit us today, make sure to wear something," Jen looked at my pajamas, "Elegant."

That bruise really compliments her ugly personality.

Dad nodded, oblivious to Jennifer's disgusted glare, "They're very important Tiffany, please be on your best behavior."

Things between me and dad were slightly different, he talks to me as if he thinks I'm going to break any minute. That won't happen. And he also looked tired, which means we have to fix this issue between us. I don't like to see that cautious look in his eyes when I pass by anymore.

I took my phone from the charger and stepped outside, taking off my heels and tippy toed my way to the stairs, I heard murmurs and laughter, I took few steps down until I can listen clearly.

"What about your cousin Finley? Does he want to be a fisherman too?" Jennifer laughed.

The man cleared his voice, "oh not over my dead body, that man has been set straight with how this family work," he chuckled, "he does want to travel first, so we let him do that before he settles down with his job."

Adults are so boring, old people are more fun. Especially the ones who care less about the world and are very straightforward.

I wore my heels and stepped downstairs, dad and Jennifer turned to face me, while the other couple looked at me from their seats.

Who are they? Eh I guess not really important since I don't know them.

I shook their hands with a smile and sat beside dad.

"She has grown up into a beautiful woman. Last time I saw her, she had crazy curls, it was the cutest thing ever!" The redheaded women gushed, she was wearing a green suit and pencil skirt.

The guy in the dark grey suit next to her kept staring at me, I felt uncomfortable and slightly nauseous.

I don't feel good.

"Honey, do you remember these people?" Jennifer asked.

I glanced at them and shook my head.

They all laughed, "Of course she won't, she was so young the last time she saw us." The man spoke.

"They're the Millers sweety, they used to come here with their son remember, his name was Joseph, you used to play with him when you were young." Dad rubbed my shoulder.

I grinned, "Like you said, dad, I was young, I don't remember."

He chuckled, but it sounded so fake, Jennifer smiled at me, "Of course, well that won't be a problem."

I smiled and nodded, why am I here?

They continued to talk until dinner was ready, we ate in silence, I was so ready to leave but Taylor, the redheaded spoke.

"Are you single dear?" She asked.

I glanced at my dad then looked at her, "Yes." I nodded.

She smiled, "I don't believe it, a beautiful girl like you can't be single, boys must have thrown themselves at you." She giggled.

I giggled back, "Oh no, I just got out of a relationship, and no one really throws themselves at anyone nowadays." I rolled my eyes playfully.

"What happened?" She asked worriedly.

I shrugged, "It didn't work out."

Jennifer laughed, "You know kids these days, never taking a relationship seriously like how we used to do back in the days."

Okay, we get it, you're old.

When we finished dinner, we sat down in the living room again and they started talking about boring stuff.

"Tiffany," Taylor called, "Your parents would like to tell you something."

Shut the fuck up you old hag, those aren't my "parents", it's my dad and Jennifer. Is what I wanted to say.

I turned to face them, "Yes."

I noticed how my dad was acting throughout the whole night, faking a smile, a laugh. This does not feel good.

"We have been keeping this a secret from you, and um well, Landon," Jennifer looked at dad to continue.

He cleared his voice, "We have arranged you a marriage, with the Miller's son, Joseph."

I chuckled, "Alright, what's the real news?"

They're kidding.

Dad and Jennifer looked at me seriously.

They must be joking right?

I glanced at the Millers, only to see them staring at me carefully.


They're not kidding.

"Why an arranged marriage?" My voice shook.

Mr. Miller leaned forward, "It's for business reasons, our companies need to merge for them to be stable, but we need a deeper agreement, a personal one, and that's for our son to marry you. You don't have to worry about the details, I'm positive you and Joseph are going to work things out." A small encouraging smile touched his lips.

I gulped, "Will you excuse me for a second?" I got up without waiting and walked to my room.

They won't be seeing my face anymore.

They have arranged a marriage for me, I should have snapped and shouted at their faces, but what I'm about to do will shock them way more than a mere yell.

Get ready, this hoe about to hit a bullseye.


I didn't know that the bullseye could be me.


FUFUFUFUFUFU! This girl I swear *Slaps forehead* maaaaybe I should go a little easy on her?

Pfffffffft nah~!

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