Chapter One.

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"Grrrrbblleeee" my stomach grumbled and I rolled over on the bed dropping on the hard carpeted floor with a loud thud.

"Yeah, morning to you too wormy" I said as I gathered myself up,pulling away the blanket that wrapped around my legs, this act made me trip and I landed on the floor again.

"Well floor....I'm sorry I didn't greet you at first" I said and gathered myself up again. Sitting on the edge of my worn out bed, I took ten minutes to say my morning prayer and muse on how tired I am.

When I was done, I walked into my old bathroom, luckily the water was running... Or so I thought until I heard a loud sputtering and off went the hydrogen and oxygen product.... Groaning, I walked into the kitchen and carried one water reservoir I had incase something like this should happen.

After taking a short shower and brushing my teeth, I got into worn out jeans and black full sleeved cotton top, slipping on a pair of sneakers which you wouldn't wish you had,then I walked into the kitchen.

My cupboard is like an onion, opening it makes me tear up... I took out a box of cereal and poured out the last content into a bowl, walking over to another onion like substance in my two room apartment a.k.a fridge, I realized I was out of milk....The hunger was so unbearable I took my cereals with water....A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do... Well a 26 year old woman in this case.

Six years ago I had all I could ever wanted and more....I had that perfect life you know....I had single handedly given a friend a new car, as in mustang, for her birthday, but now I don't even own a toy cause I'm broke AF....Life life life...bitch is what you are eh!.

Walking out and locking my already giving away door carefully, I walked down the street to the bus station, tapping my feet on the ground till the darned thing came...Hopping inside and humming to a song, I started my journey to DOVE , the 5 star hotel I was chanced to work in as a cleaner.... Lucky me eh, hehehehe, I know I'm lucky.

Thirty minutes later, I got to work and changed into my work clothes before working over to the cleaners' room.

"Hello my people" I greeted smiling and grabbing a mop and basket...

"June, you're extra sparkly this morning....did you get a free ride?" Sam one of the male cleaners said and I rolled my eyes.

"Not everyone is like you Sam....I'm not so stingy I feel bad when I pay the bus fare for myself" I said and everyone burst out laughing... Trust Sam to starve himself cause he doesn't wanna spend his money....Cheez!.

"The roaster has been adjusted....June you're no longer cleaning the hallways but the rooms...and you'll be cleaning room 246 to 255." The head cleaner, Sarah, said and I groaned.

"Its so far up." I grumbled and grabbed my cleaning equipments....I had to finish up quickly so I can go to the diner I worked as a waitress then to the bar I worked night shifts as a bartendress...hehe.....Three jobs all for me...yay me.

I knocked on the door to room 246 and I heard a muffled 'coming"...when the door opened, I greeted by a very good looking guy with the most perfect abs in the world.

"Oh came right on time, my room is a bloody mess" he said and flashed me the most beautiful smile in the world.... Wow, wow, wow...I might have sworn off guys but I never deny beauty when I see one...this is beauty people!.

"Hello?" He said snapping his fingers in front of me... Oh shit!

"Yeah....Cleaner to your rescue" I said and wheeled my equipments in.....Truthfully the room was a mess...a motherblasting mess....shirts all over the floor, crumbled Papers tossed over the floor, pizza boxes piled on top of each other....Does this guy live off pizza?.

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