Chapter 18 - Emotional Slap Fest

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Ryan's POV 

'You asked Claudia to marry you?'  

What the fudge was going on! I didn't ask Claudia anything!  

'You are engaged to Claudia Grey! It was all over the news!' Aria screamed into my ear and I pressed end and put the phone back down on the bench.  

Max was still standing in front of me, a tear had now escaped and was running down his cheek.  

'Max..' I stepped towards him and he stepped back, the betrayal clear on his face.  

He honestly thought that I would ask Claudia to marry me, even though we were coming out in a few weeks? Did he think I was planning on leaving him for Claudia? I would rather die than betray him like that. 

He shook his head and took another step back as I took another forward. 

'Tell me it isn't true Ryan' the desperation was clear in his broken voice and it made me want to wrap him in a hug and whisper comforting words in his ears, but it was clear he needed it in words before actions.  

'It's not true! I swear to you! I would never do that!' I really hoped that the truth could be heard in my voice.  

Max looked confused, 'but the news...they said..' 

'Lies. All lies,' I told him strongly, needing him to understand.  

He still looked confused and I stepped forward, but he didn't take a step back. I slowly reached for his hand, and took it in my own, squeezing it lightly as I spoke.  

'Please believe me Max, I am not leaving you for Claudia, ever. I would never ask her to marry me, this is just a big mistake, a big misunderstanding, please.' 

He let out a breath and within a moment I was pulled into his chest, strong arms wrapped around me tightly.  

Thank-god he believed me. I have no idea where this engagement misunderstanding came from, but I was going to find out, then kill the person responsible. How could Robert, my manager and publicist, let this happen? He is very close to being fired.  

My heart still hurt from the look on Max's face, that sort of hurt and pain, it was heart-wrenching.  

I tried to forget that haunting look and buried my face into Max's chest while he held me.  

'I'm sorry, I shouldn't have believed it. I know, I know you wouldn't have done that' He murmured into my neck. 

'It's ok, I will fix this, I promise, we are still going public next week'  

'You must hate me for believing all that crap, I, I should have-' 

'No, it's alright,' I stopped him from burying himself in guilt. I saw that he was about to speak again so I cupped his cheek with my hand and looked him in the eyes, trying to let him know that I didn't feel any betrayal over what he thought, 'The press, they are just liars. Just promise me that next time you will ask me first'  

He nodded, 'Promise.'  

I stroked his cheek with my thumb fondly a few more times before letting my hand drop to his side and wrapping it around his own hand.  

The man then pressed a light kiss to my forehead and pulled away, 'Who was on the phone?' 

I laughed nervously, 'Aria saw the news and I am afraid that she might cut my balls off.'  

He laughed loudly, letting his hand drop from mine, 'Oh gosh, don't worry, I'll protect you from the big bad woman,' he cooed, tapping my nose with his finger. 

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