Chapter 25

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Thinking about last night, make me smile like an idiot, even today, Jordan came over to check up on me and he saw me smiling like an idiot

'Stop that, it's creepy! Why are you smiling anyway?' And well, i didn't answer him because i'm was too busy thinking about last night

Did stranger really kiss me on the cheeck?

Why am i so excited about it?

Why do feel tingles when stranger kissed me?

I shook my head, trying to get these thoughts out of my head

Suddenly, my phone buzz, i look at it and it is a text from stranger

Stranger : Hey ;)

Me : Hi

Stranger : What'cha doin'?

Me : Nothing

Stranger : Thinking about me? ;)

I roll my eyes at his text and we exchage numbers but, he took my phone and change his name to Stranger  and i took his phone, change my name to Sweetheart. So we don't know each other's identity

Me : Nah, if i was thinking about you, i would be faint

Sranger : Why? Because of how handsome i look

Me : Nah, i would faint of how UGLY you look

Stranger : This the task for a handsome man like me

Me : I didn't realize that you're unaware of your own ugliness

Stranger : You're mean! *pouts* btw, are you free tomorrow?

Me : Yeah, why?

Stranger : I want to take you somewhere

Me : To kill me?

Stranger : Nah, it's no fun when you're not around

Even through text, he can make me blush!

Stranger : Just be ready tomorrow, we are going on a road trip!

I look at my phone, confused

Road trip?

We are going on a road trip?

Where exactly?

I shook my head, i don't want to get too excited

It's currently '2:30' p.m and still along time till i meet stranger, the best way to past time is to take a nap! Yes, i do take alot of naps but, it's good for your health....i think

I cuddle with my teddy bear and snuggle with my blanket, slowy my eyes felt heavier and heavier, darkness consume me

I woke up and yawn, i look at phone to see it's '5:45' p.m, i get out of my bed and head downstairs to make myself a snack

I went to the kitchen, open the refrigerator to see fruit and vegetables, i close the frige and decided to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwitch, eating it peacefully

Since, i'm in the kitchen, i have decided to be a kind person to stranger and make him a sandwitch, since i do make fun of him alot

I took microwavable chicken and put in the microwave, lettuce and tomatoes, toast my bread

After my bread is toasted and the chicken is ready, i put lettuce, tomatoes, the chicken and finally the bread on top

I put the sandwitches in a paperbag and head out the door

I walk along the sidewalk and took a turn into the woods

I feel giddy and excited, knowing that stranger is taking me on a road trip, it's like an adventure and my parent's aren't there to complaint about everything i do

I reach the meadow to see stranger, standing there, looking at his watch

"And you're right on time" Stranger said, eyes gleaming with happiness

"Thank god" I said, muttered under my breath

"What's that?" He said, pointing at the paper bag

"It's drugs, we're doing drugs"

"Wow... I didn't realize that you're really turning into a bad girl"

I roll my eyes at him and sat down next to him "It's sandwitches, you idiot"

"Really? Because i bought us rasberry lemonade" He said, lifting up two cups of rasberry lemonade

I took out the sandwitches and hand one of the sandwitches to him, i took one of rasberry lemonade

We both sat eating our sandwitches peacefully and i took a sip of my rasberry lemonade "I think that's mine"

"It's mine"

"No, it's mine"

"It has my name on it" I said, pointing at the name 'Sweetheart' on it

"Sweetheart is not your name but, it's your nickname"

I roll my eyes at him "Whatever"

"You like the nickname i gave you?"

"Not really"

"Would you prefer gardenia?"


"Why? It suits you"

"Where are we going tomorrow?"

"I'm not gonna tell you" He said, shaking his head

"Why?" I said, tugging his hoodie

"Because, it won't be a suprise"

I pout at him

"Don't give me that look"

I pout my lips even more

He covers my face with his hand, i lick his hand "Woman! That's nasty!"

I laugh at him

"Haha very funny and be ready for tomorrow, We're going on a road trip just the two of us, Sweetheart"

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