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chapter 2; shadow

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"Rule number one, don't let Lucius out of his cell. I don't care if the building sets on fire, it stays locked."

Veronica nodded, mutely.

"Rule number two," Rodger paused, handing Veronica her hex bag. It was a purple velvet bag, made and sold by a witch, specifically to control Lucius. It contained various ingredients ranging from powdered bones to rare herbs.

"Keep your hex bag with you at all times."

Veronica opened her mouth to speak but he interrupted her.

"Rule number three, don't trust Lucius," Rodger finished, looking at his daughter with a serious expression.

"We need him for Christopher and that is all," he said, putting on his hat. "Every minute he's in this house, is a minute too long."

"Yes, dad," Veronica replied, feeling anxious by all the warnings.

"Hey," he said, more kindly. "It'll be alright. I think things might actually get better for us now."

"I just hope he can help with Christopher," Veronica said, putting the small bag in her pocket.

Rodger picked up his car keys from the table, "I know he will, he has no other choice."

"I'll be back by 7, just please stay safe," he said, opening the front door.

"I'll be-- we'll be okay," she said with a small smile.

After he left, Veronica walked upstairs and into Christopher's room. He was sound asleep, his light brown hair sprawled across the white pillow case. He looked frail in his bed despite being two years older than her. Some days it was like he was shrinking and her biggest fear was she'd wake up one morning to find that he'd completely disappeared.

She watched him from the doorway for a while. The sun that escaped past the curtains lit the room, brushing past her own blonde hair.

It was warm and Veronica found comfort as the sunlight touched her face. Her friends would soon be getting their university offers, those who hadn't gotten them before anyway.
But she wasn't expecting any emails or letters because she hadn't applied. She could never leave her brother while he was so sick, also knowing that she'd never be able to afford the tuition.

Closing the door, Veronica made her way back downstairs and into the kitchen to pour herself a glass water.

She stared at the window above the sink, watching the leaves sway outside. Life had become somewhat a monotonous routine for her. Soon her friends would be leaving but she would stay.

Ever since Christopher was diagnosed with advanced stage leukaemia a year and a half ago, things started to change.

Her father had changed as well, though understandably. Everyday became a mission to save Christopher from the same ill fate their mother had met many years ago. Losing hope was just not an option.

Veronica rinsed the glass and put it back before walking out of the kitchen when she thought she heard something downstairs. She cast a nervous glance at the basement door.

Her mouth was suddenly dry as she thought she heard someone speak behind her. Whirling around, she was met with just the kitchen door. Calm down, she mentally scolded herself. This was not the time to lose her footing.

She wondered what all the noise was about and whether it was because he needed one of the blood bags Rodger had stored in the refrigerator downstairs. Waiting it out for a while, she finally opened the door. She couldn't avoid it forever.

Making sure she had the hex bag in her pocket, she turned on the light before making her way down.

Her heart was beating as fast as a hummingbird, every foot step louder than she wanted.

"I see you brought your hex bag with you," a hoarse voice said from the shadowed cell.

Veronica tried not to listen to him as she walked to the fridge and pulled out a blood bag. She felt disgusted as she held the cold bag in her hand, closing the fridge door behind her.

"How thoughtful," Lucius mused. "You've come to make sure I get my strength back."

Veronica ignored him as she walked to the cell, standing a good distance from it.

"You're not going to speak?" he said. "Is it because your father said so?"

Veronica crouched on to her knees and placed the bag on the floor, her hand resting on it.

Suddenly, she saw his face come out from the veil of darkness. She met his eyes and felt a wave of fear cast over her.

"I can hear your heart beat, is it that fast because of me?" he smirked.

She pushed her arm, sliding the blood bag into the cell and saw him catch it.

"You aren't getting anymore until tomorrow so make do with it," Veronica said, her voice wavering a bit.

"She speaks!" he said when she began to hastily walk towards the stairs.

"May I ask what year it is?" he quickly asked when she began climbing the stairs.

Veronica stopped and turned, deciding to answer him, "It's 2016."

Lucius' expressions didn't falter despite feeling like he'd had the life knocked out of him.

He fell silent as Veronica walked up the stairs. Just as she was about to shut the light off, she heard his voice from the cell.

"I'll see you tomorrow then," he said. She could hear the smugness in his voice.

Veronica felt a shiver run down her spine as she left the basement and locked the door. It was unnerving to be in his presence, like one wrong move and it was game over.

Heading upstairs, Veronica failed to see the man standing outside the front door, looking in through the glass.

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To save her brother, Veronica decides to dig up a vampire's grave and...
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