Chapter 5 - School Part I

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It was 6am and Beca had just woken up. Today's her first day at her new school. She's a little bit nervous but she's happy she has a friend to walk to school with. Her and Chloe talk every day as her Mum is round, so Chloe tags along.

It was half 6 and Beca had just showered and was about to blow dry her hair when her phone buzzed.

Red (06:34) - Hey Beca, just checking we're still walking to school together? Cx

Beca (06:35) - Hey, yeah we are. Where are we meeting?

Red (06:37) – I'll knock for you at 8ish, and then if you want, we'll get a coffee on the way?

Beca (06:38) - Sounds great. See you soon, Red.

Red (06:39) – Why do I feel like you're never going to stop calling me Red?

Beca (06:41) – I like it, so deal with it :P

Beca got herself showered, dressed and made herself some toast, before going in her music room to play her guitar.

It was 8am and Beca had just heard a knock at the door. She opened it and saw Chloe.

"Hey Beca"

"Hey, Red, just come in, let me grab my bag and shoes"

"You knew I was coming round" Chloe laughed.

"Yeah, but I was in my music room and the next time I knew, there was a knock"

"You still owe me a session in there, or at least show me what you can do"

"And I told you, one day. Now come on. Walking or bike?"

"Oh, I don't ride"

"I have a BMX, fancy a backie?"

"A what?"

"A backie, you stand on the pegs and I ride?"

"Is that even safe?"

"It's fun"

Beca was trying to find her red vans to go with her outfit. She was wearing black skinny jeans and a nice black and red plaid shirt. After 30 seconds she found them.

She left a note for her mum...

Hey mum, hope I didn't wake you. I'm riding to school with Chloe, see you tonight. Have a good first day at work. Love you.x

Beca went round the back to grab her bike.

"I'm not so sure about this"

"Come on, you say for me to trust you, you have to trust me. What's the worse that can happen?"

"We fall, I fall, crack my head, or a car comes and runs us over"

"Bit morbid, Beale, don't you think? It'll be fine"

Beca lit a cigarette.

"Come on, get on"

"Both hands on the bars"

"Just trust me, come on"

"Eurgh, what am I getting myself into. Just no tricks, stay on the ground. I can imagine you doing wheelies or something like that"

"Ah damn, ruin the fun"

Chloe smacked Beca on the arm.

"Kidding, that'll be for tomorrow"

Chloe smacker her arm again.

"Dude, I'm kidding"

"As for that, you can pay for the coffee"

Bechloe - The Start ✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin