Bad Dreams

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Louis's P.O.V

"What happened between you and Harry that makes you hate him so much?" Niall asks.
"Well, a few days before auditions, I found out he had been dating my sister, Prim for a while but they kept it secret. Then Harry claims he was drunk, and got caught with another girl."
"Dang." Liam says. I look down from the top bunk. Everyone is getting ready for bed.
"Why don't you forgive him for it?" Niall questions.
"Why? Because he hurt my sister."
"He was drunk. It was probably one time anyways! He's only human. Humans do make mistakes." Liam states.
"Plus he does love Prim." Zayn throws in.
"How do you know?"
"I heard him say that in the hall."
The door opens and Harry comes in. Everyone stops talking. I don't say anything. I just stare at the ceiling.

I turn to face the wall. "Night guys." Niall says, everyone replies with a goodnight. And the lights turn off.

Maybe I should forgive Harry.

Harry's P.O.V

Where am I? I look around. Everything is dark. To dark to see anything. It's cold, and scary. I think I'm outside. I can't tell.
I hear a sound. A small sound. As if someone dropped their pen.
"Hello?" I whisper into the darkness. I take a step forward and fall onto something. A bed. The mattress squeaks when I sit up.
Then I hear a voice. Prim's voice. She's saying a million sentences at once.
"Harry, how could you?"
"Harry, you asshole!"
"You wouldn't have done it if you loved me."
"You don't have to explain, I already understand."
"What the hell?"
"Why would you do that?"
"I'm okay. I'm fine."
"Harry, I'm -"
I close my eyes as tight as I can, I cover my ears but her voice becomes even louder.
I let out a loud scream.
I hear a ton of footstep, then a light flickers on. Although no one is here.
I look up to see where I am.
A small besides table next to the bed, a tiny desk with a chair, the bed only has a single sheet on it. Then a window. The window has bars on it.
Am I in a mental hospital?
Then I hear Prim's voice again. Excepts she's singing, although you can tell she's crying through the lyrics. I let out another scream.
"She's gone. Prim is gone." Another familiar voice interrupts Prim's singing.
I am mental..

I walk up, sweat and tears pouring down my face.
I look up to see four guys standing over me.
"Dude, we heard you screaming, are you okay?" Niall asks.
"I'm fine. Just a bad dream."
"C'mon. I'll take you down to the kitchen and get ya some water." Louis sticks his hand out, I take it and he pulls me onto my feet. I have a terrible feeling about this.
All of the other boys glance at each other. "Go back to bed." Louis tells them.
We walk down the hall. "Can we check on Prim?"
"Why?" He gives me a strange look. "I need to see if she's okay."
"It's three in morning! She's asleep."
"Okay.." My voice trails off.
We enter the kitchen, and Louis makes me a glass of water. "So, what was your dream about?"
I take a sip of water. "Primrose."
He looks at me as if I were on drugs.
"What about her?"
"It was weird," I say trying to remember it. "I was in a mental hospital; I was mental. I heard her voice. It just wouldn't go away. Then she started singing. Then this voice cut in and said, 'She's gone. Prim's gone.' Then I screamed and woke."

A concerned look falls onto Lou's face. "Maybe we should check on her." He says. I nod. We walk down to the girl's hall in silence. Louis knocks on the door and no one answers. He pushes it open and whispers, "Prim? Primrose?"

We walk in to the darkness. "Louis? What are you doing in here?" Prim sounds so sleepy. Louis turns on the lights and she's in her pajamas, no makeup and messy hair. This was always the Prim that I loved the most. "Harry?"

"Hey, Primmy. We just wanted to come check on you. Make sure you were okay. Are you okay?" Lou says.

"Yeah. It's three in the morning. Have you been drinking?"

Louis laughs. "No. Just wanted to check on my little sister. That's all. Goodnight, Prim. Sorry for waking you. Love you."

He turns the lights off and we slowly back out of the room. "Guess that dream meant nothing." I smile, trying to shake off the bad feeling I have. Prim's fine. She's okay.

"Yeah, guess so," he smiles, too. It makes me nervous that Louis is being so nice to me. I mean, he punched me a few hours ago. We slowly walk back to the kitchen. "Hey, man. I'm sorry I punched you earlier. It was pretty wrong of me."

I'm surprised by Louis's apology. I'm a little scared he might punch me again. It really did hurt when he hit me. "It's fine. I really did deserve it." I try to laugh it of.

"Yeah. Honestly, you did. I mean, I've spent a lot of my life trying to make sure that Prim's alright. She had a rough childhood with her real parents and it was very hard to adjust to a new home when we adopted her. I've always felt like I needed to protect her. Ya know? She's very, very special. And just seeing how broken she was it was really, really hard not to drive to your house and beat the living hell out of you. But I knew Prim would kill me for that. But we're in a serious band together now. And I don't think I should let the things that you did in the past affect the relationship we are starting now. So I forgive you Harry."

I smile. I understand why Louis punched me and why he is so protective over Prim. I give Lou a quick hug. "This means so much to me, Louis. Thank you."

He smiles and we go back to our room.

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